
Starbright by Alexandra Richland

Book: Starbright by Alexandra Richland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Richland
Tags: Fiction
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and Olivia home instead of them calling a taxi. Back at the apartment, while they waited for their beaux’s calls, they conversed in the kitchen. Beth decided to bake an apple pie for Aidan as a housewarming gift and hoped to have it ready before he and Nathan finished for the day.
    Olivia looked on as Beth sliced and cored the apples. “Is this the same recipe you used on Thanksgiving? I really liked that one.”
    Beth nodded. “I tweaked my usual recipe according to what Aidan liked most about his mother’s pie. It was such a hit with him on Thursday, I thought I’d bake him another.”
    “Nathan’s mother died when he was a boy, too. Did you know that?”
    “Yes, I did,” Beth replied. Aidan told her he’d conversed with Nathan about the passing of their mothers, though the two men didn’t share specifics about how they had died.
    “And his father passed away in an accident on the family ranch in Salinas. Nathan was only seventeen at the time.”
    Beth was unaware of this information. “How sad. He lost both of his parents at such a young age.”
    “I have a feeling his mother suffered from a long illness.” Olivia frowned. “He doesn’t like to talk about it. What about Aidan’s dad?”
    “He’s a physician in Chicago.” Given Aidan’s rocky relationship with his father, Beth felt it was best to stick to the basics only.
    Olivia lifted her eyebrows. “A doctor, huh? That’s interesting. Acting is kind of the opposite end of the spectrum.”
    Beth removed the butter from the icebox. “Well, Aidan isn’t one to conform to the norm or what’s expected of him.”
    “You’re right about that.” Olivia grabbed the flour from the cupboard and set it on the counter. “While you finish up here, I’m going to read—unless you need me to help out.”
    Beth smiled. Baking was not Olivia’s strong suit.
    “No, it’s fine. Go ahead.”
    Beth finished preparing the pie and placed it in the oven. While she waited for it to bake, she busied herself with the household chores she’d neglected during the week because of her long work hours.
    When the oven timer sounded, indicating that the dessert was ready, the telephone rang. She removed the pie from the oven and placed it on the stovetop before racing into the living room, hoping it was Aidan calling.
    Olivia made it to the telephone first. “Hello, Sutton and Weston residence.”
    She fell silent as she listened to the caller. When a blush climbed into her cheeks and she giggled, Beth knew it was Nathan on the line.
    “Six o’clock is perfect.” Olivia paused. “Oh, sweetie, I love you, too. Good-bye.” She hung up and faced Beth with a gleaming smile. “Nathan invited me to his Malibu home this evening for a romantic dinner and walk on the beach.”
    “Gosh, Nathan has a home in Malibu, too?”
    Olivia nodded. “I’ve never been there before. I can’t wait to see it!”
    Beth smiled. “I’m sure it will be a splendid evening.”
    “I have to find an outfit that’s fancy but beach appropriate.” Olivia tapped her forefinger to her chin and walked out of the room.
    Beth was about to return to the kitchen when the telephone rang again. This time, she answered it. “Hello, Sutton and Weston residence.”
    “Hey, little dove.”
    “Aidan!” Beth twirled the telephone cord around her finger. “How did everything go?”
    “Really good, actually. We finished it all today. The place is looking pretty bare since the new furniture I bought hasn’t been delivered yet, but at least the telephone is hooked up and I have all the stuff from my old apartment moved in.”
    “I’ve missed you, but I’m glad you made great progress.”
    “I’m just gonna get ready, and then I’ll swing by and pick you up. We can go someplace on the outskirts of town so no one will bother us. I’ll probably be there in an hour. Is that okay?”
    “That sounds wonderful. I can’t wait.”
    “Me, too, baby. See you soon.”
    After they exchanged good-byes,

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