left eye was developing a tic and his voice was strained. When neither Maddy nor Bruno Colombo responded, he said, "We are looking for any help that we can get. If you yourself are with any kind of investigative group . . ."
    It was open fishing, but Maddy approved of that. She smiled and shook her head. "Far from it. As Director Colombo mentioned, I do not work for any particular government. I also know less than nothing about criminal investigation methods. I am vice president for development of the Argos Group. I assume that you know of us?"
    It was a rhetorical question. The Argos Group wasn't government, but Gordy Rolfe claimed, at least internally, that it was more powerful than any government; the Argos Group provided the technology that allowed governments to run. Maddy wondered about a new connection, one that she had never heard about. Could that be what was making Bruno Colombo so subdued?
    She saw an easy way to find out. At John Hyslop's nod, she added, "We had early advance warning of the simulation results, and we have been able to study them more than you have. The deaths here have had an effect on morale and efficiency, but they are not the main reason that the project has fallen behind.
    "The Argos Group has done its own simulations. The critical path for finishing the shield on time is the availability of construction materials in space. The Aten class of asteroids all have orbits that cross the orbit of Earth, and the Argos Group has during the past eight years contracted with Sky City for the transfer of two of them from their original paths to stable near-Earth orbits. We have also led the mining of those asteroids for metals and volatiles needed in shield construction. The transfer and material extraction went without difficulties, but deadlines were missed. We learned of problems only after the fact.
    "If we are to make up for schedule slippage, then the third Aten-class asteroid must be brought to Earth orbit and processed more quickly than proposed. Certainly, the deaths on Sky City must end and the murderer must be caught, but we regard that as a subsidiary problem, one that we are already taking steps to deal with. The central question for the Argos Group remains: Can we rely on Sky City to deliver the third asteroid as required, or will we be forced to examine other alternatives?"
    There it was, the first part of the story that she was here to tell. It contained its own veiled warning. For the past decade, Sky City had dominated all space activities connected with the shield. Colombo's position and influence depended upon keeping it that way. Competition to Sky City's monopoly would hit Bruno Colombo in his most vulnerable place.
    As Maddy prepared to deliver the second part of her message she felt doubts of her own. Would any single individual, John Hyslop or anyone else, be able to make a difference to the whole schedule? Gordy Rolfe insisted that Hyslop could and would, but Maddy was not so sure.
    She had been keeping one eye on Colombo for a possible outburst. When he remained totally calm, Maddy's suspicions grew. Colombo was so unruffled because he had known of the whole agenda for this meeting in advance. All her instincts said setup.
    "I feel sure it will not be necessary to look anywhere but Sky City," Bruno Colombo said quietly. "We will cooperate with you in every way and respond to your every request. If there is ever a shred of difficulty, you will have direct personal access to me. I can promise our maximum effort in returning the whole program to schedule. As for the project to bring a third asteroid to suitable Earth orbit, I propose that the program manager for that work be John Hyslop. There is no better person to lead such a project in the whole solar system."
    Setup, sure and certain. The whole thing smacked of Gordy Rolfe's fine Italian hand. Maddy was listening to Colombo, but she had been watching John Hyslop's face. Colombo's sudden proposal for Hyslop's reassignment had

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