
Starlight by Anne Douglas

Book: Starlight by Anne Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Douglas
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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the case. A large, cheerful man of thirty or so, he certainly popped in to see Sally often enough, sitting on a stool at the back of the box office, smoking a cigarette and waiting for a lull in customers so that he and Sally could have a giggle together.
    â€˜Wish we could both have finished early,’ Jess told Sally, buttoning up her coat, while Rusty stood champing at the bit, longing to get away. ‘Hate to leave you working.’
    â€˜What nonsense!’ Sally cried. ‘It’s time you had a nice evening out. You enjoy yourself with Rusty, and don’t worry about me. Anyway, Arnold will be round later on. We’re going for a drink after I close up.’
    â€˜Jess, can we go?’ Rusty groaned. ‘I’m starving.’
    â€˜Just coming.’
    Outside the cinema, the October wind hit them, buffeting them across Princes Street, as they held on to their hats and their scarves whirled. Facing them was the Mound – the artificial hill created when the old Nor’ Loch was excavated for the New Town – while on the skyline to their right, beyond the silhouette of the Assembly Hall, the great block of the Castle looked down. All very famous, and if they’d been tourists, they might have stopped to admire the splendour. All they wanted, however, was to get in somewhere out of the cold.
    â€˜Shall we take a tram?’ Rusty asked as they began to climb the Mound.
    â€˜Och, no, we’re only going to the High Street. No distance at all.’
    â€˜Says you, because you’re fitter than I am. This hill’s pretty steep.’
    â€˜You’re too much stuck in your projection box, that’s the trouble with you.’
    â€˜I love it,’ he said seriously. ‘Just like you love your box office.’
    â€˜We’re two contented people, then.’
    â€˜Hey, I didn’t exactly say I was contented.’ Rusty took Jess’s arm in his. ‘Listen, I wish you’d have let me take you to that good restaurant I told you about.’
    â€˜What, The Vinery? It’s far too expensive.’
    â€˜Ben recommended it.’
    â€˜Ben?’ As they reached the top of the Mound and began to turn for the High Street, Jess kept her eyes down. ‘So? He’s got more money than we have.’
    â€˜I’m not worrying about the money, Jess. I wanted to make this evening something special.’
    She turned her gaze back to his face. ‘Look, we said we’d just go out as colleagues, eh? So, I’m going to pay my way, no arguments allowed, and the place we’ve chosen will suit me fine.’
    â€˜Oh, God, you’re not suggesting we go Dutch? That’d spoil everything!’
    Jess gave a long sigh. Don’t say it, she groaned inwardly, don’t say Rusty’s the sort of chap Marguerite knows, who takes offence if a girl tries to pay? There were plenty who didn’t mind at all, as Jess knew from experience, but seemingly Rusty felt he’d be letting himself down in some mysterious way if he let her go halves on the bill.
    â€˜Colleagues often go Dutch,’ she told him quietly. ‘Why shouldn’t I share with you?’
    â€˜Like I said, I wanted to make this evening special. Special for you.’ His tone was light, but his look was serious. ‘It’s already special for me, anyway, because you agreed to come.’
    â€˜OK, let’s say this time it’s special,’ she said, her heart softening a little. ‘But if there’s another time, we’ll think again.’
    â€˜You mean, there will be another time? Jess, that’d be terrific!’
    â€˜Come on – you said you were starving. Let’s get to the cafe!’ she cried. ‘I’m hungry too.’

    In the High Street cafe Jess had selected for them, they ordered steak and chips with grilled tomatoes, and fruit tart to follow.
    â€˜Of course, they’re no’ licensed here, so

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