
Starseed by Liz Gruder

Book: Starseed by Liz Gruder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Gruder
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him absorbing her as they floated.
    “We learned much today from mind-scanning you. And thank you: we learned a lot about how to talk out loud using your language.” In the darkness of space, pinpoints of light from a star reflected off his silver jumpsuit. “We like you, Kaila.”
    As Kaila and Jordyn floated, they neared the distant star shining from the deep space of the universe. The burning star’s warmth enfolded them. Kaila thrilled to the touch of Jordyn’s hand, feeling the conduit of his energy passing to her and her energy passing to him.
    “Where are we?” she asked.
    “In dreams, the veil is lifted. You’ve traveled here many times. Do you remember?”
    Kaila dimly remembered, so like a dream she once had, but upon awakening, only knew that she had dreamed. All that remained was a residual knowing. And below her restlessness, ever seeking though unaware of it, rippled that ceaseless yearning to return home.
    “But we are so far away.”
    “Here, then,” Jordyn said. He drew her close. Space blinked.
    Then, in a moment, they hovered above a planet.
    “What’s that?” she asked.
    “Venus. Closer to Earth. You feel safer now?”
    Kaila marveled at the rugged, orange planet etched with ridges, mountains, and craters. Melted ground shimmered around a large crater, for Venus was hot, close to the sun.
    “The highland area at the equator,” Jordyn pointed, “is Aphrodite Terra. Do you remember Aphrodite?”
    Kaila scanned her memory. Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation.
    “Ah, you remember,” said Jordyn. His face and body appeared red-orange in the fierce glow emitted from Venus. “ We are the gods and goddesses, Kaila. Know that, remember that. And now, here, before me, is Aphrodite reborn.” Jordyn stared at Kaila earnestly; his fingers tightened over hers. “She was quite beautiful, as you are.”
    Kaila flushed; no one had ever told her she was beautiful. She faced Jordyn, whose eyes again looked like an intelligent owl’s with immense black pupils. His eyes devoured her every nuance. She felt inexplicably drawn toward this boy-man, wise beyond his years. She wanted to dive deeper into those unfathomable eyes. She sensed if she dropped into those eyes she’d travel through a portal into the beyond, some place like she hovered in now. She would face herself, through him, realizing union and home.
    “We are not all human,” Jordyn spoke to Kaila’s mind. “We are a blend of human and what you call alien—beings from another place in the universe. This is what makes us special. And what makes us different. You are like us, Kaila. This is why we feel connected from the moment we meet. You’ve always felt different—and lonely—we know. We understand.”
    They floated in space, between Venus and the sun. Kaila’s heart glowed, warm as that sun. He knew her; he understood her . She projected gratitude out from her mind and heart. Here, now, she knew the heart and the mind projecting out to its intended source formed a triangle.
    “A triangle is powerful,” Jordyn said. “If you combine the energy of your heart with the energy of your mind and project intention out, you have magic that no other creatures in the universe can emulate.”
    He faced her, caressing her warm hands as they floated. She felt dazzling energy emanating from the middle of his chest and from the space between his eyes.
    Then, she felt her own heart and mind forces tunneling out to Jordyn. As their energies touched, they ignited blissful sparks. Their bodies vibrated and shimmered. They were enveloped in a golden field that merged to one synchronized vibration.
    “This is incredible,” Jordyn murmured. “We never felt this before.”
    They held hands, basking in the warmth of their combined energy, radiant with golden light while floating peacefully in space.
    Kaila grew overwhelmed; the sensation was so powerful, she felt like a supernova just prior to its luminous

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