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Book: Statistic by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson
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New client meetings were scheduled, invoices were sent out, and all of my crap was dropped off with my accountant.
    It has been the most productive day I had in a long time thanks to pre-school. I often feel bad for sticking Liam in a program from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon, but without that I would never get anything done. I guess it just comes with the territory of working at home. Now I would pick him up from school, shower, get ready, make dinner and wait for Colin to pick him up for their weekend visit.
    Ever since I threatened his visitation, there haven’t been any problems. I think part of the reason he has been spending more time with Liam is the fact that he was trying to impress women with his single dad status. Eventually women would get to know him and realize it is all just an elaborate scam, but whatever. They are stupid enough to get involved with him, just like I was. But Liam loves him and loves going to spend the weekend with him, so the more he does want to take him, I am going to let it happen. I can’t put my own negative feelings before what genuinely is best for my boy.
    While Colin really isn’t the best person on earth, it seems like he is at least trying to get his shit slightly together for Liam. I can hope at the least. He will only ever have one father and I am starting to think Colin is realizing the importance of that as I start dating again.
    The doorbell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. I close my laptop and head downstairs to the door where a delivery man stands holding a bouquet of flowers on the other side. I would never tell anyone, but I love it when my clients send me flowers or little tokens of their appreciation. Edible arrangements are by far my favorite. Who wouldn’t love a basket of fresh fruit? Let’s be honest here.
    I open the door and sign for the flowers, placing them on the kitchen island. I quickly work to open the card and read the message.
Thank you for the wonderful dinner.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
    Two things set me off. The first is the fact that he somehow knows where I live. That isn’t cool. I have done my best to keep the details of my life private, especially where I live. I feel like my privacy has been invaded. Like some kind of unwritten rule has been broken.
    Yes, the gesture is polite, romantic even. But, Wesley has completely stepped over a line. I wonder how to handle it. Do I tell him? Do I acknowledge it at all? Do I tell him what he did wrong or do I just leave the entire situation alone?
    The more I think about it, the more I know I need to say something. If I just leave it as it is, he won’t know there is something wrong. Communication is key. Even if I don’t plan on building any type of a relationship with him. I pick up my phone and type out a text message to him.
    How did you get my address?
    It is quick and to the point. I don’t need to hint around. I don’t need to play subtle games. I just want an answer. Minutes pass by as I stare at my phone on the counter. Nothing happening. Waiting for a text, and something snaps inside of me. I used to do this. Wait for Colin to text me, reply to me, acknowledge me. All along he was out having grand affairs with any girl that he would show the slightest bit of interest in. Had he only ever shown that kind of interest in me, we probably would have never ended up where we are today.
    This emptiness. This unreasonable neglect. It is all something I never want to feel again. Ever. While I have no right to feel any of it right now, I do. It is unexplainable, but I feel like I am living in a loop of déjà vu. The phone vibrates with his reply and I am so mad, I don’t even want to look at it.
    I googled you. Your business is listed with your home address. Please don’t be mad at me Aurora.
    Mad would be a nice way to put it. I just don’t even know what to think or feel. Yes, I am irrational. I get that. But, this all is just too much. Too

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