
Statistic by Dawn Robertson

Book: Statistic by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson
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was three suitors I could continue to be a lady around. Would I make the choice to live a double life? Would I have fun with Wesley while I continued to date for a Mr. Right. Or did I have no reason to continue to date because I found what I was inadvertently looking for in Wesley?
    One thing I knew for sure was the fact that I had one last date scheduled with the only other man I had contacted on Fish in the Sea and I wouldn’t stand him up. Once we met, I would sit down and make the decision of what exactly I wanted now and who I would continue to spend my time with.
    Where do I even begin? How about I just recap from the start.
    Brent. My lovely Brent. I wish there was something more with him because we could live happily ever after with our two kids, maybe add one to the mix and just be your all American family. We have no problems talking or texting for hours. We are on the same page about life and everything that we want for the future. But it is like kissing my brother. Hell, we even tried holding hands one day at the park with the boys. Yeah, that didn’t work out well either. But he is also my rock. I can tell him anything, and the level of trust we have built in such a short time is priceless.
    Then there is Wesley. Hot damn. Everything about him just screams RUN in the other direction. Then there is part of me that wants to get in bed with him and never leave. But, outside of the bed he can be cocky and abrasive. Two qualities that bother me to an extent. I don’t know if the trade off would be worth it. He is sweet and persistent. When he sees something he wants, he looks at it like a challenge and I am unsure I want to be a challenge rather than a love interest.
    I know I keep saying I am not ready to move on. But, part of me has to wonder if I am. Maybe I do want a relationship and someone that will sweep me off my feet. And not inside the woman’s room of an upscale restaurant either. Maybe that is why I agreed to start dating again, because I crave love.
    I do know one thing for sure. I am confused as hell, my work is piling up because I’ve been putting more focus on dates and my dating profile than my clients’ workload.
    Oh, then there is Jackson, the other man as I have been calling him in my mind. That is also how Brent officially knows him. He is a manly man, none of this designer bullshit. You can tell from his rugged looks that he isn’t afraid to get dirty. Something about that just comes off sexy to me. The outdoorsy kinda man who loves fishing and hiking. Someone who won’t shy away from waterskiing with me or my insane plan to jump out of a plane.
    Jackson intrigues me unlike Brent or Wesley ever have. I think mainly because I have always dated the pretty boys like Wesley and Colin; well manicured men who have no idea how to change the oil in a car, or fix a loose floorboard. He isn’t clean-shaven, and his short brown hair isn’t perfect in any of the pictures we have shared. But man, his blue eyes are stunning. He is just your average single guy, living an average life running his landscaping company and living country life.
    The only thing left now is to meet him and see if we can stand each other in person for more than ten minutes. That seems to be the biggest challenge with most of these men.
    As I get up to go to the bathroom before I drift off to sleep for the night, I notice car headlights in front of my building in the complex. I wish I could say I wasn’t that nosy neighbor, but I am. The figure of a man sits in a car and I can only wonder who he is waiting for. Most of the people in this complex are older, so it isn’t like he would be waiting for a woman. I am almost confused as to why he is there.
    I go into the bathroom, and don’t think anymore about it. It’s just so strange.

    I spent most of Thursday catching up on work. My email box was empty for the first time in a month, and every last thing on my to-do list for the campaign I was working on could be checked off.

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