Steal Me Away

Steal Me Away by Cerise DeLand Page A

Book: Steal Me Away by Cerise DeLand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cerise DeLand
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Historical
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lay like a shining goddess on my dark
buffalo hides. Her skin was perfect, dotted only on her hips by bruises from my
own harsh fingers. Her hair, that curling blonde river of beauty, lay like a
blanket upon the hides. I was so glad I had not permitted Willow Talks to daub
this sunlight with black grease.
    “Come down to me,” she beseeched, reaching up to me.
    Instead, I pulled her to me. Her cooling flesh on mine
stopped my heart with lust. “My moon,” I croaked, “I would have you. I will
when we return.”
    “No. Where must we go?” She curled her arms around my
    “To the river.”
    “Why?” She rubbed her breasts against my torso, tempting me
to stay. I breathed hard, my nostrils flaring, my cock soaring high with the
urge to fuck her as she so earnestly wished.
    “I must wash you of your past. Make you new for me.”
    “You did.”
    Her words were a sobbing plea and I had to hold her at arms’
length to find my willpower. “By your laws, you are now mine. But by ours, I
must wash your body and take all marks from you of your virginity and your
    Her blue eyes turned limpid and her body wilted against
mine. “Then do it, my husband, and be quick. I yearn for you inside me so much
I fear I melt with your loss.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed me with such
urgency that I knew it held the wealth of all the passion she had discovered in
her body last night.
    Giving a whoop of success, I wrapped her in a hide and
strode out of my tent with her high in my arms. The buffalo barely covered her
nakedness, her breasts exposed to the crisp morning air.
    “As we pass, you may not cover yourself, my moon. Let my
people see that you are mine and that you did me the honor to give me your body
last night.”
    “This is not forbidden? To show them what is yours?” she
asked as I strode past a few braves still awake from the dancing.
    “They are to see you and understand that this is what they
cannot ever touch.” It bothered me that I knew there was one man who could do
more than touch her.
    She nuzzled me behind my ear as I continued to walk toward
the river. “Do they see only my breasts?”
    Amused, I arched a brow at her. “They see if your nipples
still point to me.”
    She made a humming noise against my throat. “I know they do.
And my pussy is so very wet and empty without you, my Bull.”
    Complimented at her intimate comment and her new name for
me, I had to halt and push her against a tree trunk. Against her lips, I spoke.
“You tempt me to fuck you here in front of them.”
    “Can you? Would you? Or is that forbidden?” she asked,
shivering wide-eyed with tempting invitation.
    Only before my brother should we make love together. “What is between us is private and sacred.”
    Smiling, she rubbed her mouth on mine. “And rare.”
    I kissed her then, hard and with deliberate ardor. Tearing
my lips away, I forced my mind and body toward the river and my duty.
    Walking with a painful erection, I marched straight into the
chilly waters. As I sank lower and the rushing waters rose around her body, she
squirmed to be free of me. Crying out how damn cold she was, she gasped and
fought with me. Laughing, I hauled her against me as I caught the hide before
it wended downstream.
    “Listen to me! You will allow me to wash you everywhere.”
    Her teeth chattering, she begged me to hurry. “I will die in
this, Bull.”
    Commanding her to stand and slinging the hide over my
shoulder, I dipped my hand into the waters. Her skin turned white, tinged with
blue. I rubbed my open palms against her throat, her pebbled nipples, her nest
of hair and her sweet pussy, where I sent my fingers up inside her and parted
her to let the raging river wipe away my first seed that had bloodied her and
taken her innocence. There I caressed her cunt to offer up sweet recompense for
the washing.
    “Come now, we are finished,” I consoled her as I carried her
to shore. There against a tree, I rubbed my hands over

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