Steal Me Away

Steal Me Away by Cerise DeLand Page B

Book: Steal Me Away by Cerise DeLand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cerise DeLand
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Historical
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her arms and around her
heavy breasts. Unable to resist her beauty, I bent and sucked one large, full
nipple into my mouth and pleased her with leisurely strokes. Moaning, she
hooked a leg around mine and in response, my cock rose.
    She tilted her hips, making it easier for me to spear her.
And so I pushed aside my breechcloth and took her in one stroke. She thrashed
her head against the tree, the bark catching up her glorious hair while her
pussy pulsed around my lance. Careful to do right by her, I probed her hot
flesh by rocking my hips to fuck her good and hard.
    “Wait, White Hawk is here!” She said, startled and gaping at
my brother who stood to one side.
    “He is to watch,” I told her, my teeth gritted with the need
for restraint as I finished this part of her induction to my tribe. “He may see
us. Only he. He must know you.”
    Her eyes wide, she shook her head at me. Her pussy cooled
but my cock rammed inside her higher. “How can this be?”
    “As my only brother, he may have you if I am ever gone to
count coup. You must take him inside you. It is custom.”
    She froze. I stroked my cock inside her to calm her.
    But she was not seduced. “Why?”
    I kissed her cheek. “Because he will protect you, my moon.
And if I am gone for a long time, he will make you his own wife.”
    Her gaze turned sad. “And if I do not want him?”
    I sought to make her happy and rammed her once, twice and
three times with my stiff lance. She ground her teeth in utter delight. I did
it again. I had to persuade her and make her realize this union with my brother
was nothing she could change. If she could accept me—even welcome me—as her
lover and mate when I took her from all she knew, then she should eventually
see that White Hawk was as fine a man as I. By observing me as I fucked her, I
would teach him to pleasure her as she wished. He would be kind and careful,
even if I would pray she never loved him as I so earnestly worked to ensure she
did me. “You will want him, my one. I will see to it you desire him as much as
you do me. Come, White Hawk. Show her how well you are made.”
    My brother, shorter than I and leaner, walked forward,
removing his breechcloth as he came. As I held my wife up with the power of my
thighs and filled her with the girth of my own cock, my brother stroked his own
impressive lance.
    She licked her lips and lolled her head against the tree
trunk. Gone with desire to have me, she seemed torn, trying to accept another
fact she could not change. I knew it to be so when she whispered, “He excites
me. Oh, how can I admit that?”
    “It is good that you can,” I praised her with a smile and a
few swift strokes of my cock.
    Closing her eyes, she swayed in my embrace. The look on her
face told me she was in her heaven. “God help me, my Bull. I will obey you.
Even to have him. When must I take him?”
    “After I have had you many times and we can say that you
carry my child.”
    She clutched at my shoulders, a tear appearing in the corner
of her eye, even though her mouth opened and closed in ecstasy. “This is not
right, to share a wife.”
    “Not to you. But among us it is wise for a younger brother
to take the elder’s wife when the husband is gone to the plains.” I lifted her
chin, sympathy inside me for her torment. “I will teach him how to love you
well, my moon. He will come to watch us mate. He comes now to help me with
another custom for a new wife.”
    She shrank back against the tree. “What?”
    “I will take your hair.”
    Eyes wide in horror, she pushed at me. “No. You may not
scalp me! I—I am your wife. You said I was!”
    “Be calm. You are my wife. I do not scalp you. I take this
hair.” My fingers played in the wet curls of her pussy and in the act, I was
able to soothe her and conquer her fears. I knew because her cunt gushed with
more juice of her desire for me.
    “My wife, this practice of shaving your hair is to show that
you are mine to do with as I wish. I

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