Stepping Up To Love (Lakeside Porches 1)
    “I’m not at liberty to discuss what is happening with regard to Kristof.”
    Manda had no idea what to do with that statement. How would he know anything more about Kristof than she had just told him?
    If Joel saw her puzzlement he did not address it.
    What was happening here? He was all over the place. Was he avoiding some topic? What could be touchier than pregnancy, drug addiction, Kristof, the police and DT’s? Maybe she was taking up too much of his time. “You probably have meetings—”
    “In fifteen minutes,” he told her without looking at his watch. “Tony showed me the stills and the video.”
    So that was it. Manda set down her coffee mug, and Joel shifted in his chair.
    “You’re not—?”
    “Going to throw up again? No,” she told him. She let out a breath of relief at the same time he did. On his wavelength again, she told him, “I don’t trust that he won’t retaliate, and I’m watching my back.” She met his eyes. “And honoring my deal with you—keeping my focus on being sober and getting my work done, here and at school. My class work is on schedule, and I’m not worried about doing well and graduating as planned. And if I’m messing up here, I need you—I mean, I know you’ll—"
    “I’m not worried about your work here. You do a fine job. I’m sorry about violating your privacy with those questions. I needed to know for myself. A lot of us have your back, Manda. Security is all over this thing, and I don’t just mean Tony and the police. I mean here at the Manse and all over campus. I want you to check in with Cassie at the meeting tonight and specifically tell her what’s going on; that’s very important; she’ll alert the appropriate people to watch out for you before, during, and after meetings, not just tonight.”
    Manda tried and failed to get in a question.
    “I know you have an Order of Protection. You need it; you’re still in danger. And I would be remiss in my duty as—as your employer if I didn’t do everything I can to protect you.”
    Manda didn’t know why his suddenly patronizing tone annoyed her, but it did.
    “What?” he snapped.
    Manda decided he was seriously freaked out by this whole conversation. She wished she knew how to help him out.
    She shook her head and apologized. “I get there are things you’re not telling me, and I don’t think you’re trying to treat me like a child.”
    “You’re right on both counts. There’s a lot I can’t explain right now.” He gulped coffee and realized too late, “Hot!” She pushed her glass of orange juice over to him. He took a mouthful and nodded his thanks.
    Manda saw that she had instinctively reached out her hand and laid it on his. She heard someone say, “Tell me how can I be most helpful with all of this.” Did she say that? And what she was doing touching his hand?
    Before she could pull her hand away, Joel set down the juice glass and enfolded her hand in both of his. “Thank you for wanting to work with me on this,” he said with obvious relief. “The best thing you can do is let us help you, Manda.”
    That was it? That’s what would make it easier? She was sure her puzzlement showed on her face.
    Joel continued, “I realize asking for help is probably a foreign concept to you right now.”
    She blinked and he smiled into her soul with those gray-green eyes. She felt something go soft in the center of her being.
    “I need you to be safe, Manda. That’s very, very important to me. Personally, not just professionally.”
    A knock sounded at the door. In less than a second, Joel had let go of her hand and stood up behind his chair.  “I cannot believe this guy,” he muttered.
    Without waiting for an acknowledgement, someone opened the door. “Harold. Right on time,” Joel said heartily, although it was obvious to Manda Harold was seven minutes early and had no business barging in. “Come right on in.”
    Harold was Director of Buildings and Grounds, Manda was

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