size of the bed and all jumped on.
‘ Would you all like
to stay the night?’ Mya ventured.
‘ Thought you would
never ask,’ Amanda laughed. ‘We can share this bed. It’s
Babes and Ico sent down some personal
items and they were soon sitting around in their night gowns and
doing each other’s hair. Conversation drifted back to the problems
they were having. Mya felt a bit left out as she had little idea of
the technical issues they were discussing. She found the
intelligence of these women intimidating –they weren’t silly little
girls sitting around talking about boys. Although they never used
their titles, Hailey and Komoru both had doctorates in their chosen
fields, while Amanda was a first-rate medical doctor and a top
field surgeon.
Komoru, ever sensitive to the feelings
of those around her, noticed Mya’s looming despondency and was
smart enough to realise its cause.
‘ Did you take food
with you today Mya?’
She immediately perked up, ‘No, they
tried to feed me hay! Thankfully Cookie beamed me down some rice
and stir fried noodles and vegetables. They were delicious. Even
Rannalld loved them. I thought he was going to steal my bowl off me
when I first gave him a taste.’
The three women went quiet at the
revelation. ‘Did you know that they are having problems coming up
with a menu for this feast?’ Komoru asked her.
Mya shook her head, ‘No, why would
anyone tell me?’
‘ Do you know if he is
coming back?’
‘ Rannalld? Yes, he is
coming back tomorrow to continue the tour of the
‘ Could I ask you to
make Rannalld a test subject for Human food? It has been so hard to
find Modloch who are willing to try it.’
‘ I am not sure if
that is proper. He was very concerned that there might be meat
products in the food.’
Komoru smiled, ‘We aren’t going to
strap him down and force feed him Mya.’ They all laughed. ‘I
suggest we send down a chef with as much fruit and vegetables as
possible. You could ask him to taste things for us, to help
Mya giggled, ‘I am sorry, it just
sounded so horrible.’
‘ That’s true,’
admitted Amanda, ‘I mean who wants to be a test subject. Official
food tester sounds a lot better.’
Komoru laughed, ‘I am so bad. I am
sorry Mya. I did not mean to sound so clinical.’
‘ It’s OK. After this
evening, I am sure he wouldn’t mind.’
‘ We could send down
Cookie?’ Komoru suggested.
Mya’s face fell, ‘That might not be a
good idea.’
Their female senses rose to full alert.
‘Have you fell out with him Mya?’ Hailey asked.
‘ No, but I think
Rannalld likes me. If Cookie were here he would sense that we have
feelings for one another.’
‘ Uck!’ Ventured
Amanda shuddered, ‘You don’t like him
do you?’
Mya laughed, ‘I do like him, but I am
not attracted to him.’
‘ The Modloch are very
territorial,’ mused Komoru. ‘If he does like you then Cookie
arriving could very well upset him.’
‘ We really need more
than one chef anyway. There are many different styles of cooking on
Earth. You should send down the best we have under Cookie’s charge.
It would be better than just one man.’ Amanda suggested.
‘ Of course,’ Komoru
agreed, ‘and so many chefs would distract him and prevent him from
becoming suspicious of Mya’s feelings for one.’
Mya agreed, ‘If it helps I will do
They all thought it was a good idea and
Komoru went through to the bathroom for some privacy as she talked
to Steven about it. Within an hour a request had gone round the
fleet and suggestions began flooding in. The duty to select the
best was given to Cookie and he began to sift through his staff. It
took him four hours of talking to different chefs on the intercom
to make a decision on the dozen to take with him the following day.
They were urged to take the best ingredients with them they could
find. The following morning at six o’ clock they all gathered
on-board Babes and were
Elisa Ludwig
Marcia Evanick
April Munday
Fiona Walker
Lyndee Walker
Jean Plaidy
Tiffany King
Ian Sales
Isabel Cooper