Story of the Eye

Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille Page B

Book: Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georges Bataille
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and her eyes white and vacant, she slowly eased across the room like an opera ghost. There was something so truly unexpected about the whole thing that I desperately squeezed my legs together to keep from laughing, when the door of the confessional opened: someone else emerged, this time a blond priest, very young, very handsome, with a long thin face and the pale eyes of a saint. His arms were crossed on his chest, and he remained on the threshold of the booth, gazing at a fixed point on the ceiling as though a celestial apparition were about to help him levitate.
    The priest thus moved in the same direction as the woman, andhe would probably have vanished in turn without seeing anything if Simone, to my great surprise, had not brought him up sharply. Something unbelievable had occurred to her: she greeted the visionary courteously and said she wanted to confess.
    The priest, still gliding in his ecstasy, indicated the confessional with a distant gesture and reentered his tabernacle, softly closing the door without a word.

12. Simone’s Confession and Sir Edmund’s Mass
    One can readily imagine my stupor at watching Simone kneel down by the cabinet of the lugubrious confessor. While she confessed her sins, I waited, extremely anxious to see the outcome of such an unexpected action. I assumed this sordid creature was going to burst from his booth, pounce upon the impious girl, and flagellate her. I was even getting ready to knock the dreadful phantom down and treat him to a few kicks; but nothing of the sort happened: the booth remained closed, Simone spoke on and on through the tiny grilled window, and that was all.
    I was exchanging sharply interrogative looks with Sir Edmund when things began to grow clear: Simone was slowly scratching her thigh, moving her legs apart; keeping one knee on the prayer stool, she shifted one foot to the floor, and she was exposing moreand more of her legs over her stockings while still murmuring her confession. At times she even seemed to be tossing off.
    I softly drew up at the side to try. and see what was happening: Simone really
masturbating, the left part of her face was pressed against the grille near the priest’s head, her limbs tensed, her thighs splayed, her fingers rummaging deep in the fur; I was able to touch her, I bared her cunt for an instant. At that moment, I distinctly heard her say:
    “Father, I still have not confessed the worst sin of all.”
    A few seconds of silence.
    “The worst sin of all is very simply that I’m tossing off while talking to you.”
    More seconds of whispering inside, and finally almost aloud:
    “If you don’t believe me, I can show you.”
    And indeed, Simone stood up and spread one thigh before the eye of the window while masturbating with a quick, sure hand.
    “All right, priest,” cried Simone, banging away at the confessional, “what are you doing in your shack there? Tossing off, too?”
    But the confessional kept its peace.
    “Well, then I’ll open.”
    And Simone pulled out the door.
    Inside, the visionary, standing there with lowered head, was mopping a sweat-bathed brow. The girl groped for his cock under the cassock: he didn’t turn a hair. She pulled up the filthy black skirt so that the long cock stuck out, pink and hard: all he did was throw back his head with a grimace, and a hiss escaped through his teeth, but he didn’t interfere with Simone, who shoved the bestiality into her mouth and took long sucks on it.
    Sir Edmund and I were immobile in our stupor. For my part, I was spellbound with admiration, and I didn’t know what else to do, when the enigmatic Englishman resolutely strode to the confessional and, after edging Simone aside as delicately as could be, dragged the larva out of its hole by its wrists, and flung it brutally at our feet: the vile priest lay there like a cadaver, his teeth to the ground, not uttering a cry. We promptly carried him to the vestry.
    His fly was open, his cock dangling, his face

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