Story's End

Story's End by Marissa Burt

Book: Story's End by Marissa Burt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Burt
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parents and learn something useful for the Resistance. And if she got caught . . . Well, being their daughter has to be good for something. Una had no dreams of her parents welcoming her with open arms. But she was sort of hoping that they wouldn’t kill their only child on the spot.
    “Everything looks different at night,” Peter muttered. “If I can just get us to the main street . . .”
    “I think we should have turned right at the haunted house,” Indy said as he swiped the hair off his forehead.
    “I’m pretty sure I’ve got it covered,” Peter said in a tight voice. “Just keep your eyes open, Indy.”
    “We’ve just got to find an inn or something like that where we can casually talk to people. The characters who live here will know if there’s a castle and a cemetery nearby,” Una said.
    The streets were growing crowded. The Hollow had more than its fair share of mysterious cloaked figures, but as Una wended her way through the narrow streets, she saw more and more masked faces and heard faint strains of music. A couple with grinning gold masks was dancing in the middle of the street, and Peter made a wide circle around them before coming to a standstill. Around the next corner, the street opened up into the main square. The music was wild and loud here. Masked characters were everywhere, as crowds of people filled the open space with dancing and merrymaking. Blazing torches lit the street corners but also filled the air with a hazy smoke.
    “Winter’s Eve,” Peter said. “How could I have forgotten?”
    Una peered over his shoulder into the masses of people . “What’s Winter’s Eve?” All the characters in the square had their faces covered. Some with masks that looked like exaggerated frowns and others with hideous grins alternated among the whirling figures.
    “It’s the longest night of the year,” Indy said. “Every district celebrates a little differently, but all the characters do something to welcome in the new season. When we traveled with the caravan—”
    Peter stifled a yawn. “ We gather in Fairy Village to hear songs and children’s Tales.”
    Una laughed. “Oh, Peter, you sound like such a snob.” A giant danced by Una and leered at her through a distorted mask. His features looked like they were melting. Una much preferred the sparkling masks some of the ladies held up to their faces. It was nice to see characters enjoying themselves. Maybe news about what had happened at Heart’s Place hadn’t yet reached this part of the Hollow. Or maybe Villains just didn’t care.
    The music swelled, and the mass of dancers pressed closer. “Do either of you know how to dance?” Una asked.
    Peter groaned. “You have got to be kidding me, Una.”
    Someone about Indy’s size wearing a black mask that left only his eyes uncovered appeared in front of them and removed his feathered hat with a bow. “Such poor manners, my lad.” He shook a finger at Peter. “Never insult a lady.” He reached for Una’s hand and swept a kiss across her knuckles. “And never miss a chance to dance.” He stood up, reached behind Una’s ear, and pulled out a tiny little white flower. “For you, milady.”
    “ Una .” Indy’s warning was a whisper.
    “I can ask him questions,” Una hissed back as she tucked the flower into the top of her braid. “I’ll be fine. Who’s going to do anything with all these people around?” She offered her hand to her dance partner and whispered one final instruction. “You guys find out what you can, and we’ll all meet back at Bramble Cottage, okay?”
    Before Indy and Peter could do anything, her partner had whirled Una away into the crush of dancers. The music was riotous here, and the rhythmic thumping of the drums set Una’s feet flying. She didn’t know the steps, but her partner expertly led her where she needed to go, spinning her in circles that left her quite breathless. The laughter around her was infectious, and the booms of the

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