Strip Tease
    “She’s about my height, blue eyes, pale
blonde hair,” Janelle continued. “Her name is Ginger.”
    Frowning, he slowly shook his head. “Doesn’t
ring a bell, and I’d remember a woman named Ginger. But hardly
anyone who works here goes by their real name, darlin’.”
    “Oh.” Disappointment filled her. Why would
she think she’d find her sister with the first person she
questioned? Talk about hopeful. “Well, thank you anyway.”
    “Hey.” His sharp bark halted her from
turning completely away. He smiled, resting his hands on his hips.
“Want to get together after the show? Have a drink? It’ll be on the
    “Oh, thank you, but I’m afraid I have to
decline. I came with someone.”
    “You can ditch him if you want. He’ll find
someone else real quick, don’t you worry.” He winked. “Not that
you’re replaceable or anything...”
    Just the idea of Nate’s hands full with the
curves of another woman made her want to scream with jealousy. “I
don’t think so, but thank you anyway.”
    She left the bar, unease filling her. They
weren’t going to find Ginger here, she could sense it. Something
told her Ginger wasn’t here.
    But she had to keep looking. Heading toward
the opposite end of the club, she spotted a partially open door
that lead backstage. If she could sneak back there, maybe she’d
find out something.
    She came to a stop, shaking her head. Damn
it, how she wished she’d brought a photo of her sister. She didn’t
even have a picture of Ginger on her phone. It would’ve make things
a lot easier.
    As she drew closer to the door, she could
see a group of women in matching costumes running around
frantically, as if positioning themselves in anticipation of the
start of the show. Janelle peeked around the door, trying to catch
a glimpse of their faces.
    “Hey, get away from there. The show is about
to start.” A sharp jab in the middle of her back made Janelle
straighten with a yelp. She turned to find their hostess glaring up
at her, her hands resting on slim hips.
    “Oh, I’m sorry. I was curious to see what
the dancers were wearing.” Janelle smiled, silently cursing her
luck. Now she had to deal with little-miss-horny again.
    “They’ll be out later. Then you can ogle
their costumes all you want.” The hostess took Janelle’s hand and
led her away from the door. “I think you’re lost little girl.”
    Janelle restrained the urge to roll her
eyes. Letting go of the hostess’ hand, she followed her. Damn it,
she’d almost made it backstage.
    “No one is allowed to wander around during
the performance, and it starts in less than two minutes. We need to
get you back to your table.” The hostess waved an impatient hand,
scurrying along at a rapid pace, despite her five-inch heels
    Janelle hurried after her, she could feel
the front of her dress slipping with every step. Glancing down, she
found her breasts were practically hanging out, especially since
she wore no bra. She’d have to adjust her dress when she got back
to the table.
    In front of Nate. Would he be tempted?
Didn’t all men enjoyed a flash of cleavage?
    You don’t want to tempt him. You don’t want
him, period.
    Her mind screamed in protest, but her body
was revved up and ready for action—specifically from Nate.
    God, she was pitiful.
    “Here you are.” The hostess stopped at their
table, her voice a naughty little singsong as she smiled at Nate.
“Don’t worry. I left her in one piece for you.”
    Nate glared at Janelle as she sat down, his
brows drawn together. She blatantly yanked on the straps of her
dress, adjusting them and he watched her every move.
    “Don’t tell me you fooled around with that
waitress,” he growled.
    Her mouth dropped open. “What? No! I was
trying to get backstage when she caught me. The show’s about to
start and she said no one’s allowed to wander around so she brought
me back here.”
    “Really?” A dark brow arched and Janelle had

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