Strip Tease
tonight. “This place
is intense.”
    “Sorry.” Nate winced, rubbing the back of
his neck. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
    “You didn’t. You’ve been nothing but a
gentleman.” And it was true, he had been. For the most part.
    But the look he just shot in her direction
made her think he had other, less-gentlemanly intentions toward
her. “I should’ve warned you.”
    “I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” She
lifted her chin, hoping she looked strong.
    Nate chose to ignore her last statement.
“Are you ready to go look for Ginger?”
    “I’m a little nervous now. That woman was
ready to attack me.” Janelle smoothed the synthetic hair away from
her face, trying to calm her frazzled nerves.
    “You’ll be fine. Just put on the mask and
look around for a few minutes. She’ll leave you alone, don’t worry
about it.”
    Janelle slipped the mask on, adjusting it so
she could see. Nate watched her, eyes smoldering. He licked his
lips, his tongue dragging across his lower lip doing strange things
to her insides. She scrambled out of the booth, desperate for some
    “You look like a completely different
person,” he said, his voice husky, his gaze drifting over her.
Prickles of awareness washed over her heated skin at his unabashed
appraisal and she wished she’d had more to drink.
    She was in for a long night.
    “Is it true, what you said to her earlier?”
She didn’t know why she asked.
    “Is what true?” He glanced up, his dark
brows drawn together.
    “That you don’t share.” She’d enjoyed
hearing the possessive tone in his voice, the way he drew her to
him and held her close, though she knew it was faked.
    Would he be possessive in bed, demanding?
Would he consume her, show her in no uncertain terms that she
belonged to him and no one else? The idea of belonging to him,
being possessed by him sent a thrill coursing through her that was
hard to deny.
    His eyes flared, never leaving hers as he
shook his head slowly. “I never share. What’s mine is mine.”
    “Right. I get it,” she said weakly, aroused
beyond belief. Her nipples were hard aching points, rubbing against
the silk of her dress since she wore no bra and her panties were
soaked. All because of what he said, how his demanding words made
her feel. “I’ll be back.”
    Janelle rushed away before he could say
anything else. Not like she’d become his. No man had ever tried to
take over her life—she wouldn’t let them.
    Her earlier thoughts of Nate possessing her
dissipated and logic set in. She wasn’t a piece of property to be
bartered over and traded at whim. She left that sort of thing up to
her sister and a long time ago, her mother who’d believed the
promises every sleazy man had made her.
    Not Janelle, though. Never her.
    The club buzzed with the low murmurings of
conversation, the clinking of glasses accompanied by the sexy beat
of the music. Janelle headed toward the bar, her gaze darting in
scattered directions, hoping for a glimpse of Ginger.
    Everyone was dressed up, especially the
employees, making it hard for her to truly see anyone. Women wore
elaborate masks covered in glitter, sequins and feathers, clad in
revealing lingerie, Janelle felt downright overdressed in
    Approaching the bar, she pasted on her most
seductive smile, flashing it at the bartender when he turned.
    “Hi, there.” He winked, propping both hands
on the edge of the counter. “What can I get you?”
    “Oh, I’m not thirsty.” She threw back her
shoulders and thrust her chest out. His eyes dropped immediately to
her displayed cleavage. “I’m looking for someone.”
    “Honey, I can be of service to any of your
needs.” The bartender grinned and Janelle had to admit he was
    Though he wasn’t nearly as gorgeous as the
man who waited for her.
    “I’m looking for a woman. I think she might
work here.” She caught a flicker of disappointment in the man’s
    “Go on.” He nodded his

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