Succulent Prey

Succulent Prey by Wrath James White Page A

Book: Succulent Prey by Wrath James White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wrath James White
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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    Her knees went weak.
    "Wel , we are in the right place for love now, aren't we?" she said, gesturing around at the orgy rooms fil ed with
    urgently fucking couples. There was a
    pain in her. It was obvious that she had long ago convinced herself that sex was al she was good for.
    "No," he replied. "We should go someplace more private. This isn't the
    right place for you. You deserve more.
    He was saying al the right things. She slipped back into the blouse she'd been carrying around with her.
    "Okay then, Joe. You lead the way." Joe retrieved his pants and shirt from the coatcheck girl and they walked out of
    The Backdoor and into the parking lot to catch a cab.
    "So, who are you, my handsome
    stranger? What do you do for a living?"
    "I'm a student. A psychology student at the uni-vers ity. "
    "And what is this then, some kind of research?"
    "No. Not at al ."
    "Wel , I've never been to col ege. But I've always been interested in people and
    what makes them tick. I've seen sides of the human psyche that most people don't even have the stomach to read about, al kinds of perversions. Shit you couldn't even imagine. From grown men who
    dress like babies to women who like to
    be pissed on and humiliated."
    "How the hel do you meet people like that?"
    "I work at a fetish store on Folsom. We sel everything from leather, to latex, to iron shackles, to vibrating butt plugs, and adult diapers."
    "I know the place. I've been in there once or twice."
    "Real y? Now what is a nice col ege boy like you doing in a place like that?"
    "The same thing I was doing at The Backdoor. The same thing you were
    doing there. Trying to make life a little more intense, a little more worth the
    effort. We go through so much just to
    take the next breath, just to wake up
    each day. If life is just work, eat, sleep, repeat, then it ain't worth it. Is it?" The beautiful Spanish woman suddenly
    turned away from Joe and looked out the window of the cab. When she turned
    back her eyes were sad, ful of ghosts.
    "No. There has to be more than that. There's so much pain everywhere.
    Something has to make al that pain
    worthwhile and sex is the only thing
    strong enough to justify al the shit we go through. You know? Pain is so strong
    that just a little bit of it can fuck up your whole day. You could be at fucking
    Disneyland having the time of your life and then you get menstrual cramps, or
    some asshole cal s you fat, or you see
    something that reminds you of how
    fucked up your childhood was, and that
    quick, your entire day is ruined. You just want to rol over and die. Sex is the only thing strong enough to make you forget
    about the pain. I mean you can fuck
    when every muscle in your body is sore
    if the sex is good enough. You can lose yourself in it. At the moment of orgasm nothing else exists in al the world but your pussy and his dick."
    "Yes. Yes." Joe felt as if he was at church listening to religious testimonials,
    hearing al his deepest beliefs
    reaffirmed. He slowly unbuttoned her
    blouse and ran his hands over Alicia's
    breasts, squeezing her hard nipples until she gasped. He leaned down to kiss her
    throat and could not restrain himself from biting her shoulder as he felt the passion build in him. He could taste the very
    essence of her in the salty perspiration glistening on her moonlit flesh. Her soul was so alive. It had known such pain and such ecstasy. It was like tasting a dozen people rather than one. This was a
    woman who had lived. Her life was ful
    and rich, tragic and passionate. Joe
    wanted to feel that life fil ing him.
    "Hold me, Joe. Make the pain go away. Make it al go away."
    Joe watched as she unzipped his pants
    and pul ed out his engorged penis. He
    pul ed her close to him, hugging her tight while she stroked his cock and wept
    quietly. When he released her she
    smiled at him and then lowered her thick satin-soft lips down to his manhood,
    sliding the entire organ down her throat. Her tongue twirled around the head

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