
Sunlord by Ronan Frost

Book: Sunlord by Ronan Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronan Frost
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and camouflage sap and they walked slowly. The Elder bade a
welcome, and Capac returned it.
    "We have been walking since yesterday," panted Capac.
He lay down his bow and small pack. "We stirred the Sunlords up
like bees, and they were pretty furious." Capac grinned with the
memory. "We managed to shake them off our trail, though. It was
    Huso came up behind his leader. "They almost had us a
couple of times, and this crazy scroch kept taunting them. We'd be
in hiding and a patrol of Sunlords would pass and thop! Capac would
take out one with his arrow, and we'd be on the run again."
    "But it was fun, wasn't it?" grinned Capac.
    "What did you do to them?" asked the Elder.
    "We found another of their encampments and buzzed it.
I took two Sunlords and Huso here got one. The others got pretty
worked up so we lead them on a wild chase through the forest. We
booby trapped our trail and set up ambushes. We lead them right
into our environment."
    The other villagers had gathered in awe about the
hunters. They were the only Eloprin in the village with enough gall
to face the Sunlords, and great respect was deserving.
    "Did you bring back any Sunlord fire weapons?" was
one of the other hunter's question.
    "No," returned Capac. "We had to travel light and
quick. Extra weight, especially one of those heavy things, would
surely slow us. Besides, nobody knows how to use them anyway."
    This was greeted with silence. The Elder hadn't be
able to work the rifle and neither had any other of the hunters who
had tried.
    Ashian stepped forward to the Elder. "You have a fire
weapon? I didn't know."
    The Elder shrugged. "I didn't think you would be
interested in a tool of killing. Besides, if a hunter can't figure
it out a city Currach can't."
    Capac's attention was attracted to Ashian. "So you
are out of the furs? Recovered from your delusions yet? When I last
saw you, you babbled on about some mad scheme."
    "I will drive off the Sunlords myself if I have to. I
would like to speak to you once you have rested, Capac Fletfod. The
Elder had told me much about you."
    Capac was silent. The serious mood was broken as the
Elder called out:
    "Prepare the feast! Capac is home!"
    A cheer erupted, for the villagers had been
stockpiling and preparing gourmet dishes all week. Everyone wanted
to get stuck into the grub.
    The villagers dispersed to go about their duties, and
Capac's hut-wench came and took him and Huso to the bathing pool
where soap and fresh clothing awaited.
    The Elder, Capac, Huso and Ashian sat about the
smouldering remains of the bonfire. The festivities had lasted long
into the night and now the moon hung bright overhead. The village
was quiet now as the Eloprin slept deeply under the influence of
Jawkra root.
    The four natives sat on bench-like logs about the
crackling fire. The Elder spoke.
    "We must speak of what we are going to do about the
Sunlords. Ashian has something to say to you Capac. Listen closely,
for his words have merit."
    Ashian looked up as he heard his name, startled out
of his daydream. He quickly informed Capac of how he intended to
drive away the Sunlords.
    "You what?" cried Capac. "This is suicide. How easily
you think of flying like a bird to the sun, only a madman could
dream of such a thing. Our only chance is to draw the Sunlords into
the forest where we stand a better chance."
    Ashian shook his head. "They will send down a
powerful force and everything will be destroyed. The only way to
save this world is to go up there ourselves. We could ambush one of
their craft and pilot it up to the mother ship. Of course, it you
are afraid..."
    Capac fumed. "I have more courage than all the
Currach put together. Why should we place our live in your hands?
Who said you're any better at fighting Sunlords?"
    "I can work their machines."
    "What makes you so sure?" barked Capac. He
contemptuously tossed the rifle across to the Currach, who caught
it awkwardly. "If you can work that thing, I may just

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