Superior Room Service

Superior Room Service by Joe Mudak

Book: Superior Room Service by Joe Mudak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Mudak
Tags: Erótica
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hired, you’ll find out soon enough anyway. We’ve got a machine. When someone calls and asks for a certain, um, kind of person, the next person of the right gender steps into the machine and, well, they’re sculpted to match the, um, requirements we got over the phone. For us girls, that usually just means the length and color of our hair and the size of our boobs, but, you know…”
    “I got you. How long to the changes last?”
    “Until the next time you need to change or the end of your shift, whichever comes first.”
    “That’s cool. D’you mind if I ask, is that your natural look?”
    Cheryl cupped her breasts. “Almost. I went up to a room on the second floor where the guy asked for small tits. So I got reduced. I’m normally a little bigger.”
    “That’s cool.”
    “But this isn’t about me. Let’s talk about you for a minute. D’you mind if I ask, what made you decide you wanted to work here?”
    “Well, as you know, I had Justin come to my room, and he left the card in my bathroom.”
    “Yes. The first people to call room service get the card.”
    “So I thought about it and thought it seemed like a fun job. I asked Lucy on the trip to the Space Needle and she said it’s an amazing experience. And I’d already been thinking that the amazing experience was when Justin came to my room. So I figured I’d apply.”
    “Now you understand that if you’re hired, you’ll have to leave your life back home behind. Quit your job and move out here, living here at the resort.”
    “Yes. I don’t really have that much holding me there. A few friends, but I’m not excited about what I do there.”
    “Does this excite you?”
    “Oh, yes.” Stella hoped her enthusiasm would be obvious. She suddenly felt even more excited, thanks to the wine she had been sipping.
    “What do you do there?”
    “Mostly data entry. Doesn’t exactly challenge me, or put my, um, skills to much of a test.”
    “Well, one thing that’s important about working here, is you need to be able to think on your feet. Or, more accurately, you have to be able to think on your back. Can you do that?”
    “I think I can.”
    “You know we’re going to ask Justin about his experience with you. Do you think he’ll agree that you can?”
    “Ummm… I, uh… I think so.”
    “Good. We’re almost done with this part of the interview. Could you please stand up?”
    Stella stood up, as requested.
    Cheryl walked around Stella, assessing her overall body size and shape.
    “I thought you said that you had a machine that could mold you as necessary for customer requests.”
    “We do, but I’m looking at the way you carry yourself. We can do whatever we want with your body, but if you don’t put it to proper use, all of the molding and shaping isn’t worth anything.”
    “Lift your skirt please.”
    Stella reached down to the bottom of her skirt and calmly lifted it, careful not to look down or give off any appearances of being less-than-confident in her ability.
    Cheryl knelt down before the interviewee and inhaled her scent. “Nice. You smell really sweet. I see you keep a ‘landing strip’ above your pussy. This is probably going to be fine for most of our clients, but some people prefer their girls to be completely shaven down there. Is that a problem for you?”
    “Oh no. Of course not.”
    “Great! Let’s go on to the next part of your interview.”
    “Um… All right. What’s the next part?”
    “You’ll see. Just follow me.”
    The two women walked into the next room, which was more brightly lit and looked like the suites in the resort she had seen.
    Stella looked around. “This looks like my room!”
    “Yes.” Cheryl looked around. “Except for the pictures on the walls, it looks like everyone’s room. Wait here a minute.”
    Stella did as she was

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