Supernatural Abundance: A Journey To The Father's House

Supernatural Abundance: A Journey To The Father's House by Leif Hetland Page A

Book: Supernatural Abundance: A Journey To The Father's House by Leif Hetland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leif Hetland
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come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

    Jesus stated His purpose for His kids is that we might not only know “life,” but we would know a quality of life that He called “abundant living!” A life full of meaning, purpose, and void of fear.

    The journey to supernatural abundance begins when you believe God truly wants you to live an abundant life. Knowing His grace is more than sufficient to transform your life is the first step. The rest comes with the journey.

Appendix II


    Attitude can be defined as “a mental filter through which we process our thoughts and view the world.” Given the fact that the average person has more than 50,000 separate thoughts per day, it's obvious that the expression “attitude is everything” is true.

    There are many people who filter their thoughts through a negative screen, which leads them to view the world as a dark, ominous place populated with gloom and doom. When we filter those same thoughts through the screen of a positive attitude, the world is a bright adventure overflowing with surprises and abundance.

    After all, who wants to be around someone who sees the glass half-empty instead of half-full? A bad attitude is like a virus, it spreads to everyone around you. Just like a cold germ, every time the bad attitude opens its mouth, more people are infected.
    There are some things in life we can’t do anything about. Where we were born, who our parents were, and what we look like. One thing we can do something about is our attitude. Nobody can make us have a good attitude or a bad one; it’s a choice.

Good versus Bad Attitude - A bad attitude will always blame others when things go wrong: A good attitude will accept responsibility for making mistakes.
A bad attitude makes excuses: a good attitude gets results. A bad attitude says, “Get going!” A good attitude says, “Let's get going.”
A bad attitude looks at life as a trial to endure. A good attitude looks at life as an adventure to enjoy.
A bad attitude looks at a rose bush and sees the thorns. A good attitude looks past the thorns, and sees the roses.

    I'm sure you could add to this list. But I want to ask you a question: Which person would you prefer to be, the one with a good attitude, or the one with a bad attitude? Would you rather be known as someone who lights up a room when you enter the room, or when you leave the room? Let's face it, we love being around positive people because their attitude is contagious, and we want to catch it. No doubt about it, people with great attitudes light up a room when they enter it, not when they leave it.”

    Attitude is the Key Ingredient to Successful Living

    We are in charge of our own attitudes. We can face change with a negative attitude (the glass half empty) or we can choose to face change with a positive attitude (the glass half-full). I have come to believe that attitude is more important than facts, my past, my failures, my successes, or what other people think or say or do. Attitude has the power to make or break your organization, your Church, or your home.  

    Some people have such a rotten attitude that they think the whole world stinks. Ninety-five times out of one hundred, when we begin to feel that things in life stinks, the problem is not with the world or with others. The problem is with us. Our attitude has become negative. When you change a negative attitude to a positive one, you can change your world.

    Warren Wiersbe, former pastor of Moody Memorial Church in Chicago wrote: “Without a doubt the human mind is the most awesome creation of God. With it, God has given us the ability to think, to reason and to choose whether we will focus on positive thoughts or negative thoughts. In every one of our lives, there is the positive and the negative. The choice as to which one we will focus on, feed on, and nurture on is up to

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