Supernatural Abundance: A Journey To The Father's House

Supernatural Abundance: A Journey To The Father's House by Leif Hetland Page B

Book: Supernatural Abundance: A Journey To The Father's House by Leif Hetland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leif Hetland
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    Model the Attitude of Jesus

    The greatest leader who ever lived had the greatest attitude! His name was Jesus.

    We would expect history’s greatest leader to have the greatest attitude. Paul said, “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.”   All we have to do is watch Jesus' actions, listen to His words, and we know that He was the master of His own attitude. Hebrews 12:2 says we are to, “Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  

    Here are three key facets of Jesus’ winning attitude:

    1.   Jesus knew Why He was here.  

    He wasn’t confused about His purpose. Jesus was very sure as to why He was here, what He was to do, and who sent Him.   If we believe we are here for a purpose, we will live in the present moment of divine destiny. We will not wander, be confused, or live with negativity or doubt.

    The enemy tries to convince us that we are the only person ever born without purpose. It’s a lie.   Call it a lie.   Believe it’s a lie.   Then start to live like it’s a lie!   God has a purpose for every son and daughter of His!

    2.   Jesus knew what He was sent to do.
    He was clear about His mission. Knowing we have a purpose is only the first step in defining that purpose. There has to be a “why” attached to it.   Again, Jesus is very clear.   Look at Jesus’ “I am come” statements:

“To fulfill the law”   (Matthew 5:17)
“To bring a sword”   (Matthew 10:34)
“To send fire on the earth”   (Luke 12:49)
“To give sight to the blind.”   (John 9:39)
“To bring light to the world.”   (John 12:46)
“To seek and save the lost.”   (Luke 19:10)

    Jesus defined His mission statement, even without the proliferation of “how-to” books today: “I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:1)

    3. Jesus knew where He was going.  

    He was sure of His destiny. The one thing the enemy hated about Jesus was the fact that Jesus knew His destiny. The Devil tried to do all he could to stop Jesus.   Jesus’ experience in the wilderness was about Satan’s attempts to detour His destiny.

    Jesus expressed His destiny in the “I go” statements:

“And then I go unto him that sent me.” (John 7:33)
“For I know whence I came, and where I go.”   (John 8:44)
“I go to prepare a place for you.”   (John 14:2-3)
“I must needs go through Samaria.”   (John 4:4)

    No wonder Jesus had such a great attitude. No wonder the enemy wants to kill your attitude.   When we look at the life of Jesus, we can see why there was so much pressure on Him. Men and women who know their purpose, mission, and destiny cannot be stopped!

    To have the attitude of Jesus is to think right, speak right, and to act according to God's word. When we make a conscious choice to do these three things, we can be assured the promise of prosperity will be given without hesitation or restriction.

Appendix III


    Don’t Settle for Less than Your Father Intends

    The Bible teaches there is a spirit opposite to abundance, and it’s called the spirit of lack and poverty. Many of God’s children live far below what their heavenly Father intended for them.  

    It’s much like a story I heard a young man who immigrated to the United States many years ago. He saved up enough money to buy passage and boarded a ship to follow the American dream. He knew he had enough money to pay for his fare, but not enough to buy food or sustain him on the trip. He packed all the provisions he could carry, but he knew it wouldn't be enough for the whole journey. About two days into the trip, the man looked at the few bits of cheese and crackers that remained and thought, Well, I guess I can make it the rest of the way without food.

    While the man sat on the upper deck looking out at the

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