Surrender Your Grace
air of the chamber hitting her exposed skin flustered her. “But the lamps My Lord, it is indecent.”
    A pop sounded and then a stingy burn exploded on her bottom. She yelped in surprise. “I will not have you ‘My Lording’ me in my own bedroom, wife. Call me anything but My Lord during the heat of passion, but I will not remind you of this again. Is it so hard to think of me as your husband and lover?”
    “I’m sorry Andrew, but all of this is so new to me. Please, be patient....”
    “Of a certainty, but I must insist on this one simple rule in our bedchamber. I will have intimacy between us.”
    “Yes Andrew, I will do better. I promise.” Suddenly, she started sobbing. He looked down at her in alarm. He had given her nothing more than a gentle love pat; surely she wasn’t overset about that little swat.
    “Sweetness, what is it? Did I hurt you?”
    “No. But I am such a ninny hammer, Andrew. I don’t know what to do, or how to act, or what you expect. Mama only said…” Embarrassed, she couldn’t repeat it. Surely from what she had overheard her few married friends say, the marriage bed was not all that bad. Some had even said they enjoyed the bedsport with their husbands. Others said they sought out their husbands and asked for it. They said they were trying to be a lady in the parlor, but a whore in the bedroom in hopes of keeping their men from seeking out mistresses. Their plan was whispered secretively in the privacy of rooms far away from their prim mothers’ and prudish chaperones’ ears. They would be horrified if they knew these young women spoke of “the act”, let alone enjoyed it.
    “Exactly what did your mother tell you?”
    She shook her head violently and hid her flaming face against his chest. She was beginning to enjoy having his strong arms around her and the feel of his springy chest hair tickling her cheek. “I couldn’t repeat it.”
    “You can and you will, Cecilia. I need to know how much damage she has done so I can make the necessary repairs.”
    “Well… she told me to let my husband…, uh, she was telling me this in the most general of terms, you see. She gave me this little lesson right before my debut.” He lifted her chin and gave her a look that let her know he knew she was stalling. “Well… she told me to do what Her Majesty, Queen Victoria suggested.”
    “What is that?”
    “She said Her Majesty gave her eldest daughter this same advice, so it should be good enough for an Earl’s daughter.”
    “Out with it Cecilia, before I lose my patience. What was this sage piece of wisdom she laid at your feet?”
    “She said to… lie back, close my eyes and think of England.”
    There was a long pause and then he began to shake. Before long he was howling with laughter and had pulled her close enough that she felt every shake and shudder that passed through him. He continued with his amusement until he finally slowed to an occasional chuckle.
    “That is a tale bandied about by old biddies who aim to discourage the wanton ways of young innocents like yourself. Take for example our beloved monarch. She loved Prince Albert madly, her four years of full mourning following his death illustrates that fact. Although she has a strict moral code for what should be seen and heard in public, the queen is actually a very sensual and romantic woman in private. She is an artist, and has drawn several male nudes, one of which she gave to her husband as a gift. I know this for a fact because I have seen it.”
    Flabbergasted, Cici stared at him with her mouth open. He chuckled at her expression and taking a long finger to her chin, gently closed her mouth. “Dear one, I know you are young and naïve, but surely you have to know how they ended up with nine children.”
    While they spoke he had been stealthily guiding her toward the bed. A maid had already turned it down, so all he had to do was free her from her gown and tuck her straight in. When he had accomplished this

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