Survivor (The Soul Mates Series Book 1)

Survivor (The Soul Mates Series Book 1) by Victoria Johns

Book: Survivor (The Soul Mates Series Book 1) by Victoria Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Johns
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what’ll get you dead.”
    Turning around I carried on my trek down the hillside, wondering whether it would be possible to convince my cock to calm down before we hit the street lights.  Her reaction to me was electric and I could feel the tension and spark from just touching her cheek.
    Right now, I didn’t know whether to curse my dad or thank him for giving me something exciting to really get my teeth into.

Chapter Ten
    We didn’t speak the rest of the way down, as soon as I get through the junkyard gates I peeled off in the direction of the trailer.  I didn’t trust myself to mumble anything, not even thanks or goodbye.  The range of emotions I had felt since this guy had arrived had been all too diverse. Jake is big enough to scare me and my whole life I have associated muscle with fear.  Maybe that inbuilt preconception is false because there are times when I know I have caught a glimpse of something different.  Despite his rough façade there is a gentleness in his eyes.
    He’s right though, I haven’t got time for distractions and he’s proved that point tonight, he must think I’m like a bitch in heat.  It’s time to get some rest because this whole experience has taught me that I need to up my game.
    “Cara,” I hear from outside the trailer door, “Wake up, let’s go.”  I roll over in my sleep shorts and tank top, groaning.  It can’t possibly be morning it feels like I’ve had my eyes shut for five minutes.
    “Sneakers on, we leave in five minutes.”
    “What!” I shout back.
    “OK, two minutes seeing as you’re feelin’ so friendly.  You think the bad motherfuckers will warn you and wait for you to get your shit together?”
    “Alright, alright,” I snap back as I begin to stumble round the trailer like a drunk.  By the time the impatient banging starts again, I’ve got my sneakers on and am hunting for a top suitable.
    The door bursts open, “Too late.  Move,” he commands and throws a water bottle at me, grabbing my arm he finishes with, “you can run like that.”
    “Wait I need a top to cover my sports bra.”
    “No you don’t. Get over yourself, they’re the same as any other females.  Until you can hold your own in a fight, runnin’ is your best course of action and you need to be ready to run in anythin’.  Besides, a t-shirt wouldn’t cover that much more.”
    Feeling angry and frustrated, I take a mouthful of water, tie my hair back and then follow him.  He’s already jogging up front.  The base ball cap stops his thick head of hair flopping in his eyes and all his muscles move in unison.  He’s just beautiful, in a work of art kind of way.
    “Stop checkin’ out my ass Cara and get up here.”
    “I’m not!”
    “Then you must be slackin’ off.  Get up front, I want you to set the pace. I need to know what I’m workin’ with.”  Doing as he asks, I let the morning sun and calm of the outdoors put me in my rhythm and annoyingly Jake’s breathing evens out before mine, even though he’s the size of a house  “You’re not usin’ your lungs fully.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Your mouth won’t dry out as fast and you’ll also be quieter, pantin’ like a dog will give your location away for sure.”
    The tone he uses to correct my faults grates on all of my senses and I have to work hard to push down the instinctual bitchy comments I want to hurl back.  Clearly he’s observant, so right now I’m hoping he can sense my mood and pick up that I think he’s also a huge ass hole at times.
    “How long have you been runnin’?”
    “Ten months and twelve days.” I spit back immediately.
    “I meant joggin’ Cara.”
    “So did I, Jake.” He catches on quickly and understands that I’ve only been at this for as long as I’ve been on the run.  I’d never even stepped foot in a gym before, my last experience of true exercise was high school.
    “Ok then, let’s just keep goin’.”
    “How long

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