Swallows and Amazons

Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome

Book: Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arthur Ransome
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their feet, and she sees ROGER ’s head come peeping out of the pot. She sees MR JACKSON running about dressed as Man Friday .
    She sees two PIRATES rowing by in a boat. They have stripy T-shirts and eye patches and bandannas .
    Stealers steal and creepers creep,
    Going to bury the treasure we’ve taken,
    While the world is sound asleep,
    Got to be finished before the dawn’s breaking,
    Best to stay out of the way,
    Hiding in shadows and quietly quaking,
    Even though it’s plain as day,
    We’re fanciful, fictional, all in your mind.
    PIRATE 2 ( speaking ). No one comes to this island except those crazy birds. It’ll be safe here.
    PIRATE 1. That’s land. Get out and pull her in. Now give me a hand with this box.
    PIRATES ( singing ).
    Talkers talk and takers take,
    You won’t remember us when you awaken.
    Um, excuse me, I’m awake!
    You think you’re awake but you’re very mistaken,
    It’s a dream.
    It seems so real.
    A simple mistake anyone could be making,
    Can’t you see we’re fantasy,
    We’re fanciful, fictional, all in your mind.
    PIRATE 2 ( speaking ). You can tell by the weight it’s something worth having.
    PIRATE 1. Nobody will find it now. We’ll come back when the fuss has died down.
    TITTY ( singing ).
    But tell me, if you don’t exist,
    How come we’re having this weird conversation?
    Listen, missy, it’s like this, we
    Only exist in your imagination.
    Yes, I guess that would explain
    Why you are singing and dancing and making
    All the strangest transformations,
    Fanciful, fictional, all in my mind…
    ( Speaking, in her sleep .) Nobody will find it now…
    No… Poor Roger. Poor Roger.
    She sleeps on .
    Scene Three
    Daybreak . TITTY, curled up in the Amazon, gradually becomes aware of voices, as Swallow approaches .
    JOHN. It’s definitely Amazon. She’s not drifting. She’s at anchor.
    SUSAN. How strange. I don’t believe there’s anybody in her.
    TITTY suddenly raises her head over the gunwale .
    JOHN. Titty! But… Are you on your own?
    TITTY. Yes. I captured her. I captured Amazon ! JOHN. Hurrah!
    SUSAN. Well done, Titty! Well done!
    ROGER ’s head appears from inside Swallow for a moment .
    ROGER. Titty? Where? Oh, yes. Hello, Titty.
    He disappears again and goes back to sleep . JOHN brings Swallow alongside Amazon. SUSAN grabs Amazon ’s gunwale .
    JOHN. However did you do it? Where are the Amazons?
    TITTY. They’ve got our camp. They’ve got Wildcat Island. I’m really sorry. I couldn’t help it. There was an owl and I thought it was you, and then I lit the lights and they…
    JOHN. It doesn’t matter, because we’ve got their ship.
    SUSAN. So we win. We just have to get her into the harbour.
    JOHN. Well done, Titty. What a first-rate sea dog you are!
    TITTY. And I used the leading lights to row through the rocks. And I rowed out here and dropped anchor. And then I… I must have fallen asleep, and then I heard these…
    JOHN. But Amazon is our prize. That’s all that matters. ( Glancing at SUSAN.) That, and that we’re all safe.
    SUSAN. Yes. Especially that.
    JOHN. Swallow is flagship after all. Titty, I’m coming aboard.
    JOHN climbs aboard Amazon.
    Now then, Able Seaman, will you take the tiller to sail her across? She’s your prize, you know.
    TITTY ( amazed ). Really? Me? I mean, aye, aye, Cap’n!
    She takes the tiller .
    JOHN. Are you ready, Mister Mate?
    SUSAN. Ready, Captain.
    JOHN. Then let’s sail our fleet into port.
    They sail towards the island .
    Song – ‘Conquering Heroes, Victory Chorus’
    We are conquering heroes,
    We are famous explorers,
    We are mighty conquistadors,
    And what’s more we’ve won the war.
    They are close to the island and can see the AMAZONS more clearly .
    SUSAN ( speaking ). Look! Look!

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