Sweet Revenge
hard. “Because once we get you into halfway decent shape, there’s going to be a lot of hand-to-hand combat. I need to be able to touch you without freaking you out.”
    A thousand retorts to his insensitivity came to her head. Jamie eyed him carefully. She still didn’t know a lot about this man, but she knew that his comment had been deliberate. He had wanted to provoke a certain response. Fine, she would give him one. Lifting her chin, she faced him with a resolute stare. “It won’t work.”
    One of his dark brows arched. “What won’t work?”
    “There are only two reasons you would have said that. One, you’re the most insensitive moron this side of the North Pole. Or two, you’re hoping to make me so angry, I’ll say, ‘Forget about this’ and leave.”
    “I need to know how tough you are. If that remark bothers you, that’s your problem.”
    Jamie stood, and though she knew it was a defensive gesture, she couldn’t prevent her hands from going to her hips. “If what you know about me doesn’t convince you I’m tough, I don’t know what will.”
    “I know that you’ve survived a lot. That’s not my concern.” He came close … closer than he’d ever been before.
    Wishing her legs weren’t shaking, Jamie raised her head and met his gaze head-on. “Then what is your concern?”
    “Are you going to be able to kill a man?”
    She gasped and took a step back. “I’m not planning to kill anyone. I just—”
    “Yeah, I know, you just want to expose Reddington for a sleaze, bring him to justice, and get a little revenge while you’re at it. Problem is, Reddington’s been getting away with this shit for years and making a boatload of money to boot. If he discovers who you are, you think he’s going to just pat you on the head, tell you that it’s okay, and let you go? You’re going to have to fight for all you’re worth. That might include killing someone to save your life.” He got closer still … leaning down, his nose within inches of touching hers. “You got that kind of grit inside you, little Jamie?”
    Rattled, but refusing to back down, she thrust her chin even higher. “Do I want to kill? No. Will I kill to save my life? Yes.” Tired of the intimidation tactics, Jamie took the extra step. With their bodies now touching, his heat making her burn even brighter, she glared up at him. “That answer your question … big Dylan?”
    With the warmth of his breath coating her face, he stood for several seconds, unmoving. Then a change she’d never expected came over his face. The mouth that always looked so grim and unyielding turned up in a full-fledged, sexy smile. “Yeah, that answers my question.”
    Backing away from her, he glanced at her empty bowl and half-eaten sandwich. “You through?”
    Overheated, her heart pounding, she nodded. Speaking right now was well beyond her ability. She could barely think. Holy hell, she had just been turned on by a scowl, a challenge, and a beautiful smile.
    “Get changed into some sweats. We’ll take a quick tour of the grounds, do your health eval, and then go over the training schedule.”
    Still unable to form the right words in her mouth, Jamie turned and marched out of the room. Five minutes later, in between muttering obscenities to herself for her foolishness and to Dylan for his arrogance, she dressed in thick fleece sweats, two pairs of socks, and hiking boots. She threw on her heaviest coat and returned to the living room.
    Dylan stood in the middle of the room wearing the same coat he’d been wearing before. In his hands was a smaller, similar coat. “Put this on. That thing you’re wearing is for looks, not warmth.”
    Arguing would do no good. If she went outside and froze to death, what exactly would that prove? Still, she bit the inside of her jaw to keep from spouting off a smart comment as she took the coat and shrugged into it.
    He threw some gloves at her. “Wear these.”
    Before she could say, “Thanks,”

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