Sword of the King

Sword of the King by Megan Derr

Book: Sword of the King by Megan Derr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Derr
Tags: General Fiction
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    When they reached the front gate, Rafael saw he had been correct: Leo had already called for his car. The black Bentley Continental gleamed in the morning sun, one of Leo's many expensive gifts for 'good behavior'. Rafael climbed into the back, taking Cam with him, leaving the passenger seat for Conway.
    "Take us to my cabin, Mike," he told the driver, then settled back and closed his eyes to catch a nap while he had the chance.
    An hour later they pulled up in front of his house just outside the city, a beautiful cabin that his brother had given him as a birthday present only days after Leo had murdered Marianne. Rafael hated it, but he did not dare refuse it. "Thank you, Ben," he told the driver. "You can go. I'll call you should I need to leave the house today."
    "Yes, sir," Ben said, and bowed before returning to the car and driving off.
    Rafael unlocked the front door and led the way inside. "Put him in the room across from mine," he told Conway, who obediently carried Cam through the house to the bedrooms in the back. Leaving him to settle Cam, Rafael went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. While it brewed, he pulled out bottles of pain killers and muscle relaxants from the medicine cabinet in the laundry room. Ignoring the muscle relaxants for the moment, he popped four ibuprofen and chased them with water. Taking the bottles back into the kitchen, he left them on the counter where he could easily grab them later.
    He headed upstairs to change out of his suit. He had just stripped off his clothes and was reaching for his dresser when he heard a long, low growl behind him. "No," he told Conway firmly, ignoring the way his own cock twitched.
    If his brother ever found out he'd fucked Conway, Rafael knew exactly what Leo would do:  have Rafael pinned in place while he slowly and painfully killed Conway in front of him. Bile rose in Rafael's throat just thinking about it. Yanking open a dresser drawer, he pulled out a pair of black lounge pants and a green t-shirt.
    Dressed again, he turned back to Conway and asked, "How is Cam?"
    "Sleeping again," Conway replied. "Strange dragon."
    "Strange how, is what I need to figure out."
    Rafael said, leading the way back downstairs to the kitchen. Motioning for Conway to sit at the bar, he grabbed steaks from the fridge, and then turned on the grill. While it warmed up, he poured a cup of coffee and pulled the makings for oatmeal out of the pantry.
    Half an hour later, he was enjoying oatmeal drowned in brown sugar and cream while Conway devoured two barely-cooked steaks. "So tell me how he's strange," Rafael said.
    "Master dragon," Conway rumbled, licking the juice from the steaks off his fingers in satisfaction.
    Rafael watched him, unable to tear his eyes away, wanting nothing more than to drag Conway to the floor and taste every inch of him before fucking him so hard they were both senseless.
    Conway growled as he picked up on Rafael's emotions, amber eyes flashing. Rafael looked away, swearing softly, and stood. "Don't," he said tightly when Conway caught his wrist.
    Still growling, Conway reluctantly let him go. He slunk out of the kitchen, and Rafael let out a frustrated sigh as he cleaned the kitchen. Refilling his coffee, he pulled out his phone to check for messages as he headed into the living room.
    There was nothing but a text from his head manager informing him that all was well. Rafael texted her back to say he would be out indefinitely, then set his phone on the coffee table with a sigh. He sat on the sofa couch and glanced over at Conway, who had shifted to dragon form and was sulking in front of the fireplace.
    "Come here," Rafael said quietly, but firmly.
    Conway growled, but obeyed, moving with a predator's grace across the room. He was breathtaking in his true form:  long, sinuous, reaching a little higher than Rafael's hips in height, and nearly ten feet from the end of his snout to the tip of his tail. His dark scales had a faint blue sheen,

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