Take a Chance on Me
the files
and looked at the photo of the couple.
    “Wait a minute…you’ve opened a matchmaking
service…Perfect Pairing?”
    Sadie nodded.
    “I specifically said you were not to use
witching skills.”
    “I haven’t used any. I’m like a mortal
entrepreneur. And if you look at the figures, you’ll see Perfect Pairing now
has 1200 people signed up for my services.”
    Nadine put on her other glasses and flipped
through the pages at the back of the folder.
    “I’m making the Witches’ Association a tidy
fortune,” said Sadie.
    “And this first couple…are you sure you didn’t
use any hocus-pocus on them?”
    “Just a little love dust that I disguised as
party glitter…oh, and I gave him a little push when they first had sex so she’d
really…well, you know.”
    “And you’re sure they’re properly paired and
will stay together forever? You know I only match couples who are in it for the
long haul.”
    “Of course. In fact, she’s just heading over to the hospital to be with him
while he gets his first skin graft. I can assure you that this pair was made
for another and they’re hopelessly in love already, smitten in fact.”
    Nadine smiled. “I love smitten. You wouldn’t
mind if I looked in on the scene, would you?”
    Sadie clicked her fingers and an image of the
waiting area in the ER appeared above Nadine’s desk. “Check this out…”
    Mitchell’s stomach rumbled. He hadn’t eaten
since nine o’clock the night before. He hadn’t slept, either. His mind had been
too busy thinking about the operation and the skin graft. He looked down at the
IV they’d put in, remembering the last time he’d had one placed. It had been
shortly after the bombing and he’d been miles from home. He shivered from head
to toe.
    “Are you cold? Do you need another blanket?”
asked Ryan.
    “Nope, just scared, that’s all.”
    Mitchell rested his head back on the pillow and
glanced up at the clock on the wall. Rachel had called him last night to wish
him luck. She’d told him she’d see him before he went to surgery as she’d
rescheduled her morning patients so she could be there. Maybe something else
had come up and that was the reason she was a no-show. He’d see her once he got
out of surgery, and that’s what he’d be looking forward to.
    Someone grabbed his arm and squeezed it. He
looked up and smiled. There she was. He hadn’t seen her since their night
together and today she looked even prettier. She wore her blue scrubs and her
hair was tired up in a ponytail. Even her scarred arm was no longer covered.
She was so beautiful.
    She took his hand and squeezed it. He squeezed
back, suddenly no longer scared of what lie ahead for him.
    “Ryan, this is Rachel.”
    “Hi,” said Rachel. “I guess I have you to thank
for signing your brother up at Perfect Pairingi . If
you hadn’t I wouldn’t have met this very wonderful guy.”
    “Well, he’s been talking nonstop about you, so I
guess the feeling’s mutual.”
    “Glad to hear that.” She looked at Mitchell and
he smiled.
    “Mr. Hathaway, we’re ready to take you into
surgery,” said a nurse.
    Rachel squeezed his hand again and leaned her
face closer to kiss him.
    “I’ll warn you I haven’t eaten anything for a
while, so my breath might not be that minty fresh,” said Mitchell.
    “I’d like to take my chances.”
    He closed his eyes. Her lips felt like
hummingbird’s wings fluttering against his skin.
    “I think I’ll wait with your brother while
you’re in surgery, if that’s okay.”
    “Fine with me,” said Ryan.
    “Just don’t invite her to play Scrabble with
you, because she’ll kick your ass.”
    Rachel laughed. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
    “I’ll be dreaming about it.”
    Nadine dabbed her eyes.
    “I do so love a happy ending. Well done, Sadie.
Now, who is Perfect Pairing planning to match next?”
    “I have another perfect couple already lined up.
They have a past history and think they hate one

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