Taken By The Highland Wolf (The Clan MacGregor Book 2)
mistake I had ever made.
    "Ye must stop scaring me like this, Glenna," he said gently as he stroked my cheek.
    "I'm sorry," I told him with a smile. "I'll not do it again."
    "Will ye come home with me now?"
    "Aye," I nodded. "I'd like that very much."
    As I climbed back up into the saddle and settled myself I looked over at him as he mounted his horse.
    "How did you know?" I asked him.
    "That ye were leaving? I didn't at first," he said. "I knew ye were at the door when MacAlpin was there, love. I knew ye had heard what he said and I wanted to come check on ye to make sure ye were all right."
    "You knew I was there?"
    "Aye. I know the smell of ye, Glenna. I'll always know when you're around. I'll always find ye, love, and I'll always protect ye. I promise ye that. Now, let's go home."

    Days passed and the hurt between Alastair and me healed. He understood why I had done what I did and quickly forgave me for the pain that I had caused him.
    I was so wrapped up in my love for him and my joy at being back that it took me a while to notice that Camden had been strangely quiet. It wasn't until I was sitting with him at supper one evening that I truly noticed it. He replied to my questions with short one or two word answers, which was completely unlike his usual animated banter. The more he continued to look sullen and withdrawn, the more I was worried that something was very wrong.
    I knocked on the door to Camden's chamber and entered before waiting for his reply. "Camden?" I asked hesitantly.
    "Glenna, I'm glad that you're here," he said, coming over to greet me. "I have something that I wish to discuss with ye."
    A pained expression had replaced the usual sparkle in his eye, and worry settled in the pit of my stomach.
    "Is everything all right, Camden? You did not seem yourself earlier."
    "I've had much on my mind the last few days, Glenna, and after a lot of thought I've finally come to a decision, though it does not come easily to me."
    "Oh, Camden, what is it? You have me worried now. Whatever is the matter?"
    He took my hand and drew me over to the window chair where he indicated for me to take a seat. My heart hammered as I sat down and he paced back and forth in front of me. I had never seen him so agitated before.
    "Camden, please, you're beginning to scare me."
    "I'm sorry, Glenna," he said, taking up my hand in his again as he squatted down in front of me. "I did not know how to tell ye and it's been eating away at my mind, but I have decided that it is time for me to leave here and travel home."
    "Oh, Camden, so soon?" I asked sadly.
    "Yes. I have long since recovered from my injuries and in truth I should have left days ago. But ye see, I could not bring myself to leave your side."
    His hands squeezed mine tightly as he stared deeply into my eyes.
    "Oh, Camden..."
    "Please, Glenna. I love ye. I know it must seem impossible and much too soon but I canna deny how I feel."
    "We are friends, Camden," I said carefully, "and with that of course comes a certain amount of affection."
    He shook his head and pressed the palm of my hand flat against his chest, holding it tightly there with both of his hands. I could feel the intense hammering of his heart beneath his shirt.
    "Do ye feel that, Glenna Gordon? The way my heart pounds? I need nothing more than to think of your sweet face before my heart starts hammering so. It is not mere affection I feel for ye, lass. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life. I knew ye were the one the first time I set eyes on ye."
    "Oh, Camden, I can't... I don't know what to say." My mind was a blur as I tried to come up with some way to let him down gently. To explain to him that I did not feel the same way for him without breaking his heart.
    "Say ye feel it as well, this connection between us," he pleaded. "Say ye love me as I love ye."
    "Camden, I'm sorry," I whispered, "but I cannot."
    Pain flashed in his eyes and his hands gripped mine so tightly that I winced.

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