Taken By The Highland Wolf (The Clan MacGregor Book 2)
"Do not say that, Glenna. I know that it canna be true. I know ye love me too. Ye must," he insisted.
    "Camden, I am so sorry, truly I am. I am not free to love you. You have been such a good friend to me, and I would not want to lose that friendship. I have not meant to deceive you in any way. But my heart belongs to another. I love the MacGregor. I love Alastair."
    "He has ye bewitched, Glenna. Can ye not see that? How else could someone with a heart as sweet and generous as yours love such a man? He is a monster. Ye know just as well as I the legacy that man carries. And ye expect me to believe that ye would give yourself to such a creature of your own free will? That ye would go willingly to his bed?"
    "Camden!" I gasped, shocked that he would mention such intimacies.
    "Ye have been blinded, Glenna!" he hissed. "Ye may not be able to see it, but I can. I do. Come with me."
    The pain in my hand was getting worse and I tried to tug it away, but he held me too tightly.
    "Camden, please, that hurts," I sad, tugging again. My sympathy for him was rapidly turning to unease.
    "Come with me, Glenna, I beg of ye. I will take ye away from this place. All that is before you is darkness and pain. How will ye hold your sweet head up with pride anywhere in Scotland once ye are wed to that beast? He is feared everywhere. His unprecedented cruelty is known by all. Once ye are his, he will snuff the light from ye. All that ye are, all that shines bright and true, will be stripped from ye until ye are an empty husk. Come with me, and I will give ye everything you deserve. I will give ye a life of happiness and light. I will love ye, Glenna. I will love ye like no other man ever will."
    "Camden, please," I begged. "You must stop this. You don't know what you're saying. I canna go with you. I will not go with you." I looked him in the eye and tried to keep my voice from shaking. "I do not love you."
    "I don't believe ye," he insisted, and he released my hand to grab my shoulders. He pulled me to him and pressed his mouth hard against mine.
    I froze for a moment in complete shock before it gave way to anger and I struggled against him, pulling my mouth away from his. "Camden, no! You are confused. This is not you," I snapped at him.
    "I love ye, Glenna. I love ye," he said frantically, his eyes wild.
    He pulled me back to him kissing me roughly. His tongue probed at my lips, seeking entrance as I tried to keep them closed to him. I turned my head away in disgust as my fury flared up inside me.
    Wrenching myself away, I reared back and slapped him across the face, the sound of the impact cracking through the room.
    Camden released me and took a step back, raising his hand to the bright red spot on his cheek. He looked at me with dead eyes as he lowered his hand. "So that's how it's going to be, then," he said, his voice flat and devoid of emotion. Every hint of the love-struck man had been erased.
    "Yes," I said, my chest heaving, "it is. I had hoped that when it came time for you to leave that we would part as friends. But I see now that is impossible. I believe that it would be best if you left at once."
    He sighed and shook his head. "This would have been so much easier if ye had just come with me out of love, Glenna. It would have been much more comfortable for ye, at least at first. Unfortunately that's impossible now. I'm sorry, lass, but what comes next is not going to be nearly as pleasant for ye."
    A cold dread flowed over me at his words and I took a step backwards as he advanced on me. "I don't understand," I told him. My eyes flickered quickly to the doorway and back again.
    "I was told that ye weren't very bright, but I didn't think it would be so hard to turn ye away from the MacGregor. Ye seemed like a woman more accustomed to gentle words than being manhandled by a brute. But it looks like I was wrong. Maybe this would have worked if I had just been rough with ye from the beginning."
    The blood froze in my veins as his arm

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