Taken by the Pirate Billionaire

Taken by the Pirate Billionaire by Shelli Stevens

Book: Taken by the Pirate Billionaire by Shelli Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelli Stevens
her cell phone, she dialed Lucy again. “So he just showed up.”
    “Seriously? That fast? Wow.”
    “I know.”
    “I had a feeling he would.”
    Renee frowned, remembering something else Devon had said. “He also mentioned that he knew you were the one who got me into the party. Did he say anything to you?”  
    A heavy silence met her reply.
    “No. Devon didn’t say anything. Eric did. But it’s over and done with, and really, I’d rather not talk about it right now.”
    Whoa. That door had been shut and rather firmly.
    “Okay.” Renee kept her tone light. “No problem.”
    “Thanks. So why did he come over? What did he say?”
    “He invited me back to his house for dinner tonight.”
    “Oh, well, hey that’s perfect, right?”  
    “He wants more than just dinner.”
    “Well of course he does.” Lucy gave a soft laugh, as if the tension a minute ago had never even happened. “You’re going?”
    “Yes. And actually, I think I’m going to need some sleeping pills and handcuffs.”
    Renee had no trouble imagining the alarmed expression on her best friend’s face. The silence seemed a decent confirmation.
    “Umm...Renee, what do you intend to do with these things?” 
    “If you don’t know, then you can’t be an accomplice.” 
    Lucy laughed. “You’re right. Unfortunately I can’t help you with either of those.”
    “I might have some left over prescription meds,” Renee mused. “But as for handcuffs, I’ve got nothing.”
    “Maybe get some scarves from a thrift shop. They’re cheap and get the job done. Just wash them first. Are you restraining for pleasure, or...?”
    “The less you know.”
    “Right.” Lucy paused. “You realize Devon’s going to know you were the one who took the brooch. He’ll probably call the police and, even if he doesn’t, I’m sure he’ll come after you.”
    “Maybe not. The guy’s loaded. He probably wouldn’t blink over a missing brooch.”
    “I hope you’re right.”
    Me too, she thought as she hung up the phone. Her glance landed on the coffee table.
    She picked up the diary, careful as she did so. It was two centuries old and more than a little delicate. She was damn lucky Devon hadn’t spotted it, actually.
    The name inside the cover read Anne Stoddard, and she was Renee’s ancestor. The pages were yellowed and the handwriting nearly illegible. Inside, there was a sketch of a ruby brooch, with the words Darren Murray the pirate next to it.
    Darren Murray. The pirate rumored to have been Devon’s ancestor. The more she knew about Devon, the more she believed it.
    Some of the diary was unreadable, but she’d deciphered enough to learn one certain truth. Darren had stolen the brooch from Anne.  
    And if it was out there, she intended to get it back. Devon wouldn’t know the story of Anne and Darren. Would never know Renee’s motivation for seeking out the brooch.  
    “Last night I totally blew it.” Renee traced a finger across the sketch of the brooch. “But I won’t mess up tonight. If at all possible, I’m going to make sure this gets back in Hawkins hands again.”
    Renee showed up at Devon’s in a low cut dress the same shade as her pale blue eyes. Her heels were high, she’d dabbed her perfume in the erogenous zones, and had put on some makeup again. Though the makeup was nowhere near as dramatic as last night’s. Tonight she planned to be the one in charge. Devon had no idea what he was about to get himself into.  
    She rang the bell and a moment later Kurt opened the door.  
    “Good evening, Renee. Please, come inside.” 
    “Good evening.” She stepped into the foyer, avoiding eye contact.  
    How did he feel about her return? When he so clearly knew she hadn’t been invited here the first time?
    The inside of Devon’s house looked so normal when it wasn’t lit by candlelight and hosting a kinky sex party. It really was a beautiful home.  
    A pang of envy struck her as she compared it to her

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