Taken by the Trillionaires

Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Page A

Book: Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Mansfield
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Chapter Six
    Erin woke alone in Bo’s bed the following morning. She had no idea where he was, so she slipped into his bathroom and soaked. She was growing to truly enjoy her time with the men in the evenings, but her days were making her crazy. She had nothing to do. She hoped she could find something to fill her day. Maybe she should email her friend, April, and see what she did to fill her day.
    Instead of pulling on the dirty dress that was all she had to wear, she put on Bo’s robe that was hanging on the back of his bathroom door. She’d take her dress to be washed and wear the robe all day. She would at least feel better about herself that way.
    As she slipped out of Bo’s wing, she glimpsed him at his computer, rapidly tapping the keys. He didn’t see her, so she kept walking, but she couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing this morning.
    When she got to the kitchen she asked Lewis where the washer was. “This is all I have to wear, and I’ve got to wash it today. I’ve worn it for three days straight, and it’s going to be able to walk on its own if I don’t do something soon.”
    Lewis traded her a plate of French toast for the dress. “I’ll take care of this. You also have an appointment in thirty minutes to be measured for some dresses. We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
    She ate her breakfast, and waited in the living room for the tailor to arrive. Once he was there, she stripped on his command, and he measured every part of her. He gave her two sarong-type dresses to wear until he had her clothes made before he disappeared, without even asking what she’d like to have. Apparently her husbands had taken care of all that.
    After he left, she shrugged into one of the sarongs in the middle of the living room and marveled that she had become so free with nudity. Lewis commanded a small army of young men who kept the house beautiful, and she didn’t even notice that she was naked around them so much.
    She took the pocket computer the men had left on the table in the living area. She’d only used an old antique computer that was bigger than her fist, so the pocket computer was amazing to her. She took it with her out to the pool and quickly emailed April. “You were right. I don’t mind having sex with all these men. I’m actually loving it! What’s bothering me is I’m bored out of my skull. How do you cope with being home alone all day?” The men had let her know that she wasn’t allowed to go out and meet others, because there was a very real fear of her being kidnapped. There were just too few women in the world.
    She dropped her sarong and dived neatly into the pool, glad they had it so she could not only keep healthy, but keep busy. She’d never been allowed to sit around all day doing nothing, so she was amazed at the amount of free time she now had.
    After her swim, she dried off and sank back into the chair, picking up her pocket computer, which was about the size of a deck of cards, but only half as thick. She checked her email and was happy to see one from April. “I’m so happy you’re settling in well! I’m amazed at how well my men treat me. Where did you end up going? I’m in Dallas, Texas. I stay busy by working on my novel that I’ve always wanted to write, and I have four month old twins. They keep me on my toes. Even with the nanny, I’m still nursing them, and it takes up a significant amount of my time. My evenings are filled, as I’m sure yours are. I look forward to hearing from you!”
    Erin frowned at the message. April had always loved to write, she remembered. That did give her something to do, but Erin had never enjoyed that. Once she had children, she could devote her time to them as well, she was certain. She put her hand to her flat belly, wondering what it would be like to feel her child growing there. She’d always wanted children, so that was something she truly looked forward to.
    She tapped out a quick response to April. “I’m in

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