Taken Love

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Book: Taken Love by KC Royale Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Royale
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didn’t understand the pressure that was rapidly building inside me, it had my wits scattered. With each touch of his hands, or his lips, this pressure grew into more of an ache. He had touched me before, but this time was different, somehow more intense. Maybe because of my anger and hostility towards him, maybe because of the week hiatus of no contact. Maybe because of Operation ignore that asshole, or maybe because I still had feelings for him. The unfamiliar ache seemed to be clawing at me deep in my bones, surrounding me, conquering my entire being. I knew only one thing at that exact moment, one thing only. I needed more, I wanted more, to satisfy this need that I didn’t fully understand. My body was turned inside out, and in need of the promise that he was making with his kiss. I was so close, yet so far, to exploding inside.
    He then pulled away from me, panting hard, as he tilted my head in his hands, to look him in the eyes. He had the same look from before, that intense smoldering look. “You taste so good… and you’ve nicknamed me, JP?” He asked, amused, as he licked his lips, gazing at me. It took me a few minutes to consider his question. I was still soaring, but I nodded in response, because that was all I could do at that point. He had literally kissed me senseless. I could barely stand up straight. “JP, huh?” He smirked, and kissed my lips quickly. He pulled back to look at me, I was still dazed, speechless and trying to breathe. He stared at me in silence, looking deeply into my eyes. “I think I love you, Kathleen.” He murmured. What? I gasped, and felt my knees buckle, but his arm swept around my waist and caught me before I fell. I could hardly breathe, I felt as if I was in-between life and death, as I started to hyperventilate. “Hey, calm down baby. Slow your breathing.” He pulled me closer to him, and tried to comfort me.
    “You... not… I’m... JP...” I muttered, in pants to him, and he smiled.
    “You need a moment. Come on, let’s go to my house.” He stated. It wasn’t a question. I knew going back to class after all this was pointless, and one day out of my almost perfect attendance wouldn’t count against me.
    “You... just… love...when.” I panted some more, as he led me to his car. He drives a BMW?! What was going on here? Why was he doing this to me? What my mother said to me came to my mind, as he started the engine, and backed out of the parking space . ‘He used to make me so upset, and turns out, he was the love of my life.’ I couldn’t speak, hell, I could barely breath . He said love, didn’t he? How could he love me, when we’re not even together? Ten minutes later we arrived at his house, and he came around to open my door.
    “Come on, baby, let me help you?” He asked, leaning down to help me get out the car, his sleek grey BMW. I stood, and leaned against the closed car door, taking a few deep breaths. “You okay? Tell me what do you need, baby?” He looked so concerned, and I scowled at him.
    “Stop calling me baby. I’m not your baby, JP.”
    “So you can call me JP, but I can’t call you baby?”
    “I only call you that, so I can stop calling you asshole.” I breathed.
    “I like it. Only you can come up with the perfect names for a guy like me.” He grabbed my hand, and we walked to the house, where he opened the door and led me inside.
    “Are your folks here?” I asked, suddenly nervous. “No, they’re out of town.” He muttered.
    “Maybe I shouldn’t be here, you don’t deserve my company.”
    “I do deserve you, and I won’t let you go Kat, I promise.” His words made my heart flutter. I had never had anyone say the things he’d said to me today. I think I love you… I won’t let you go… I deserve you. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I knew it felt right somehow, he felt right. I wanted him, and my feelings were evolving by the second, the hate I felt earlier was now being overpowered with something else.

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