Taken Love

Taken Love by KC Royale

Book: Taken Love by KC Royale Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Royale
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her hurt and pain immediately.
    “He what??” I uttered. A sudden wave of shock hit her, and she hugged me. I felt her tears on my arms, and I held her tight. JP was a professional at making girls cry. The boy deserved a medal. He had managed to hurt me, and my best friend, in a matter of a few months of his arrival. Bravo, JP, Bravo!
    “Why? Why would that ass—,” I stopped myself, but shouldn’t have. “Why would he do that?” I muttered into her hair, as she hugged me, knowing that I knew already, why. He just chewed them up, and spit them all out, one by one, as if he studied for this game. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes, before saying something that stopped me cold.
    “He said it was because of you .” I felt the blood drain from my face, as I gaped at her. Oh JP! What are you trying to do to my friendship?
    “What?” I uttered, as my breath caught in my throat and she glared at me.
    “He said he only wants to be with you, and he wants you to be his girlfriend. He made that part very clear. I wonder why that is?” She crossed her arms, and I stepped back from her. It was an amazing sight to see Blair like this. One minute she’s my best friend, and then the next she’s glaring at me like I’m her ultimate competition in life. So in that moment, I decided to let my bitterness die, regarding the fact she went after him deliberately. But it also became painfully obvious, that she wouldn’t do the same for me. It was at this point, when I knew our friendship was really at a standstill… all at the hands of JP.
    “Oh, that’s what he said, huh?” I spit out at her, as I felt my rage take center stage. I didn’t know who I was mad at more, him or her. I just knew that I was pissed. I threw my bag in the locker, and I was now on the hunt. I needed to find him, and give him a piece of my damn mind. “Where the hell is he now, Blair?” I asked her, seething so intensely I was shaking.
    “I don’t know where he is. Maybe he is at his locker down the hall?” She muttered. I felt so bad for her, then again, I felt that she knew this would happen, just like it happened to all the other girls. I was so angry about all of this, I knew exactly who I was going to take my anger out on. I slammed my locker, leaving her there, as I made my way down the hall. I didn’t know where his locker was, but I was searching for him. I walked with determined strides down the hall, looking for my prey. He was going to  pay  today,  for  hurting  us  both,  and  trying  to destroy my longest friendship to date. I couldn’t find him anywhere, after turning another corner, it was then that I saw him, and I halted. He turned and saw me looking at him, he then smirked at me. My legs  immediately started  moving, I was  heading  towards  him,  as  I huffed. He turned and headed towards the exit, and I followed him. He was heading out of the school building, but I continued to follow him.
    The chilly air made me cover myself, as I looked around the front of the school for him.  I  crossed  my  arms,  as  my  head swung from left to right, and then I saw the back of his  book  bag  as  he  turned  the  corner.  I steady walked towards him, and turned the corner following him. Once I bent the corner fully, I was then grabbed and pushed against the wall. His mouth covered mine in a searing kiss, and I gasped as he cupped both sides of my head, holding me to him. His kiss was hot and demanding, I went to yell at him, and he slipped his tongue inside of my mouth, groaning into me. “No, JP!” I gasped.
    “Yes, kiss me.” He muttered against my mouth, kissing me as if he needed his lips on mine. Short gasps of air filled my ears, as I felt my body betraying me, and I moaned softly into his mouth. “Yes, that’s it.” He muttered, and deepened the kiss. And I kissed him back, my hands pulling him closer to my body. I was drowning and soaring, my body falling and floating high above me. I

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