Tallchief: The Hunter
    Fascinated with Emily’s happy expression, Cody straightened. “I pledge to do whatever he said,” he announced boldly.
    Adam handed the sack to Cody. “I don’t suppose you’d help pass these out, would you? And take one for yourself?”
    “Will I? Will I? I love Sam the Truck,” Cody said, forgetting his attempt to impress the elegant, beautiful Emily. He took the sack and hurried to sit in the center of the braided rug, the children clamoring to sit around him.
    While Cody meticulously chose the appropriate model for the age of the children, Elspeth stood on tiptoe to kiss Adam’s cheek. She patted it gently as a knock sounded on the front door. “You’ve got their hearts already, now you’d better tend your own.”
    Jillian entered and glanced at Adam coolly; her smile to the rest of the Tallchief family was filled with warmth. She glanced at the children playing on the floor, the Sam the Truck models grasped tightly in their hands. “Did I miss the party?”
    “Not at all. Jillian O’Malley, meet Adam Tallchief, our wandering cousin. He’s staying with us for a while and brought the toys. Emily has already claimed him as a Black Knight.” Elspeth took the covered dish Jillian carried, giving it to Alek with a look that said, “Place it on the table.”
    “J.T. seemed pleased enough with his Sam the Truck set and I thought it might make a good impression.”
    Jillian’s narrowed look took in his comfortable, clean,but worn gray sweater, jeans and loafers. Her expression said she doubted his ability to pay for the toys. “If a costly one.”
    “An expense I can afford—I’ve come into a bit of money recently,” he said to remind her that they’d tangled twice and he was more than ready for a third helping. Adam noted the furious lash of Jillian’s gaze, though her lips were smiling. He noted again the way she stiffened when he moved close. “Let me take your coat.”
    He couldn’t resist a tug at that silky hair, a boyish urge to tease her, too intense to be denied.
    Her eyes narrowed and a slight flush rose in her cheeks, a reflection of the anger she was fighting to control. “I hear you travel the world, never settling for long, Mr. Tallchief. Are you planning to stay long here?”
    “Adam,” he corrected while children’s shouts of delight brought their parents all down to the floor to play. His eyes locked with Jillian’s. “As long as it takes.”
    She smiled coldly and moved away into the family playing on the floor. Every instinct in Adam told him to go after her—more, it told him to pick her up and carry her out of the house, to taste those lips once again. When he was able to tear his eyes away, Elspeth’s cool gray ones were waiting. “Our ancestor, Tallchief, was a hunter. I’d say it runs in the family,” she said as though understanding he would seek Jillian out wherever she went.
    The dinner set at the huge table was not a quiet affair with parents feeding children, the talk a blend of crops, family and Jillian’s work for Silver’s new ad campaign. Seated across from Adam, Jillian avoided looking at him. Then, in clearing the table, passing back and forth from the kitchen, she leaned close. “So you’re already spending my money and none of it on tickets out of here. I thought that was our agreement. You can’t stay and let this family provide for you. And you’d better not take the pickup truck that Liam loaned you when you go. Michelle says that truckis almost another baby to him. She’s quite fond of the hours they’ve spent together beneath it.”
    “I don’t remember any agreement between you and me, Jilly-dear,” he whispered back, and let his gaze wander appreciatively down her classic black sweater and slacks. The pearl strand was creamy and elegant and genuine, just like Jillian, bred for perfection, for the ideal life. But now there were curves filling out the cloth and the flash in her eyes spoke of anger—simmering and withheld, but

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