Tallchief: The Hunter
only got one heartbeat to take off that coat before they get you,” Elspeth whispered as Alek came to place an arm around her. “Come in and meet the rest of your family. You’re rested, I hope?”
    Alek, editor of Amen Flats’s newspaper, tugged his wife’s long braid and grinned. “You’d better be. There’s no rest amid this crew. Fetch this, carry that, get more wood, change the diapers—uh,” he grunted as Elspeth’s elbow lightly sought his ribs.
    She placed the toddler on the floor and as he made his way across the room, Birk caught and tickled him before lifting him into his arms. The scent of baking bread and love curled invitingly around Adam as he studied the huge room, filled with a family he’d never known.
    Elspeth took the plaid and hung it by the peacoat Adam handed her. She waited patiently while his gaze skimmed the room. Near the huge rock fireplace hung a spear draped with the Tallchief plaid, the barn wood burned with the Tallchief Cattle Ranch brand, a stick man and mountain. In a warm corner, an old wooden cradle with a sleeping baby was being rocked by a loving hand.
    The expressions of tenderness and warmth struck Adam as he noted their faces, most with coloring matching his own gray eyes and black hair. He nodded to Liam with Michelle sitting upon his lap.
    Elspeth made sweeping introductions while children played on the floor and bounced on knees and slept in loving arms. There was Nick, holding hands with his Silver, Duncan with his red-haired wife, the genealogist and the antique huntress, Sybil. Calum stroked his wife Talia’s long blond hair, and Birk toyed with his petite wife’s, Lacey, curling black hair. Rafe Palladin had arrived with his Demi,and Joel’s arms were around his wife, Fiona Tallchief Palladin.
    The love in the room stunned Adam full-force. As did the look of instant acceptance, as though he had always been one of them.
    A beautiful girl, just college-age, came sauntering to him. The firelight played over her long red hair. The younger boy at her side, clearly adored her. “I’m Emily, Sybil and Duncan’s daughter.”
    “I’m Cody Palladin, Joel and Fiona’s son,” the boy said promptly.
    She slid him a cool, older-woman look, then J.T. pushed through their legs. J.T. locked both arms around Adam’s leg. “He’s mine! This is my uncle Adam. He’s my daddy’s brother and he’s been all over the world. He’s going to come to preschool with me and tell all about sharks and lions and castles and sunken treasures. He’s going to find what he’s lost and what he’s hunting—right here with us—that’s what my daddy says.”
    When Adam glanced at Liam, his brother was suddenly finding the rough beams of the ceiling very interesting.
    Emily’s hand on J.T.’s head was gentle but firm with warning. “I have something to say,” she announced clearly to the room with the elegance of royalty. She placed her hand on Adam’s shoulder. “I claim thee for my Black Knight,” she stated dramatically. “’Twas not long ago that I claimed Duncan, Birk and Calum. The others came later, but mean just as much. When I was young, they took away my fear, and I belonged. I trust you with my safety and my family, oh, Black Knight of the Tallchiefs. In return, I grant you my everlasting friendship and love—with one condition. Do not try to fix me up with a boyfriend.”
    “I swear I will leave your love life untouched. The decisions are yours.”
    “The bargain is sealed, Black Knight.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek, and took the opportunity to peerinside his sack. “I don’t suppose there is anything for me in there.”
    “Emily!” Sybil admonished.
    Adam solemnly gave Emily the special collector’s Sam the Truck. “I hold your trust dear, m’lady. I shall fight to keep all that is dear to you with my last breath. Please take this humble treasure as my pledge.”
    She beamed up at him and a steady blush crept up her cheeks. “You’re okay, I

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