Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)

Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover) by Cathy McAllister Page B

Book: Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover) by Cathy McAllister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy McAllister
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romantasy, Elves
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It wouldn’t have bothered her.”
    “But now you’re …?”
    “It’s safe now. I’ve got myself under control again.”
    Merlon turned her hands over in his and bent down to caress the palm of her hand with his tongue. This erotic touch caused a pleasant shudder to run through her, and heat flooded into her sex. She held her breath.
    “Cherry,” he murmured, raising his eyes from her hands to direct his look of yearning into hers. “Cherry.”
    Panic rose within her as she realised that he was about to kiss her. She wanted to push him away from her and put her hand on his chest. But as his mouth gently touched her lips she forgot any thought of resistance. She trembled and her fingers grasped his shirt to steady herself. Her heart was pounding.
    Sighing, she opened her lips and his tongue accepted the invitation to enter her mouth. Strong arms embraced her and pressed her closer to his muscular body. She heard a groan and only realised at the second groan that the sounds were coming from her. Overcome by sensations that she had never felt before, she first responded to his tongue-play cautiously, then she was swept along by his passion and she responded with a desire that threatened to tear her apart. It was only when she felt cool air on her breasts that she realised that he had pushed her jumper up and opened her bra.
    His large hands enveloped her breasts and fondled them gently. As his thumbs stroked the aroused tips she groaned longingly and pushed herself against him. Fear and desire fought within her. She had never before longed to willingly give herself up to a man, but Merlon’s caresses and kisses caused a reaction in her that she could not explain.
    “You have no idea how much I want you,” Merlon murmured huskily into her ear.
    His hot breath made her shudder and she put her head back so that he could get to her neck. He kissed and nibbled her neck, covering her throat in tiny kisses right up and over her chin to her half-open mouth. 
    “Merlon,” whispered Cherry, her lips trembling beneath his feather-light kiss.

    Hearing his name coming from her lips was like balsam for his soul. He wanted her to desire him as much as he desired her. She should not be afraid of him. He would give her ecstasy – teach her how fulfilling the union between a man and a woman can be.
    “Cherry. Let me make love to you, Cherry.”
    He teased her with tiny kisses. He awaited her agreement.
    “Yes,” she breathed.
    He needed no further confirmation. He got rid of his clothing and began to slowly undress her. He kissed every centimetre of her soft skin as he unveiled it, her quiet utterances of passion firing up his own desire all the more.
    “You are so beautiful,” he murmured reverently as he let the last piece of material slip to the floor so that he could admire her beauty in its entirety.
    Her whole body was rounded in the most feminine way, but her flesh was firm and immaculate. He had never been enthusiastic about the over-slim elf women. He could not wait to touch Cherry’s silky skin, to taste her tender flesh and to drink of her nectar. He wanted to be intoxicated by her and satiate all his senses.
    Merlon slowly drew in air. The scent of her femininity sent his senses wild like a drug and he closed his eyes, groaning. His desire was so strong that he had to summon all his strength to rein himself in. He had to force himself to take it slowly. For her sake he had to proceed carefully. He wanted her to learn to trust him and encouraged her with gentle pressure to open further.

    Cherry felt herself blushing as she realised that she was completely naked and was fully on view to him. He had said that he found her beautiful, but didn’t men often say such things to get between a woman’s legs? Justin had often told her that she was too fat and that was why he often used other women. Not that she was concerned about the fact that he did not bother her very often, but now, for the first time in her life,

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