Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)
these plans into action.
    When she entered the B57 she could hear gentle music. It was piano music – a melody, unknown to her, of such poignant beauty that it forced tears into her eyes. She put the paper bag full of groceries on the bar and locked the door. The piano was in an upper-floor room that was hardly used. Up to now no one but her had played the instrument. Out of boredom Merlon must have gone wandering around the building and come across the piano. She was glad that he was clearly well enough to go for a walk around the club. But that also meant that he did not need her any more.
    Part of her regretted the approaching end of their togetherness. She had enjoyed the last few days more than she had realised. Merlon’s company had been more than pleasant. He was charming and humorous and he had not tried to touch her again. The perfect gentleman. Yet he still made her nervous, so another part of her was glad that he would soon disappear from her life.
    As Cherry climbed the stairs her heart was pounding. The tragedy in the melody that Merlon was playing seemed to increase in intensity with every step she took and then suddenly became more aggressive. Goose bumps made her shudder and she felt uncomfortable. When she reached the top she stood there indecisively. She was not sure whether it was a good idea to go to Merlon now. She was emotionally too unsettled, and, judging by the melody that he was playing, he was too, perhaps. Then the playing suddenly stopped and Merlon clearly ran over the keys aggressively and closed the piano lid loudly. A chair scraped over the floor, then there was silence. Cherry held her breath in alarm and listened. There was not a sound. She considered walking away quietly but she was unable to move from the spot.
    After a while, that seemed to her an eternity, she finally went along the corridor to the room where the piano was. Her heart pounding, she slowly grasped the door handle and pushed it down. Hesitating, she opened the door until she could see inside. Merlon was standing at the window, staring out. He did not move, although she was certain that he had heard her. He was an elf with supernatural powers, so he will certainly have had sharp hearing.
    ‘Damn it! Do something!’
she pleaded in the silence, without actually knowing whether she meant him or herself.
    Seconds passed like minutes. Cherry did not have the courage to step into the room, but neither could she simply walk away again.
    “Are you afraid of me?” he asked at last without turning round.
    Her heart leapt. Butterflies spread through her belly and her hand was holding the door handle so tightly that it hurt.
    “I … I heard music and …” she said hesitantly without answering his question.
    “Perhaps it’s best if you go now,” he said huskily. “I’m no longer good company for you.”
    “Why not?” she asked quietly and took a few steps into the room.
    “Go!” he growled. “You need time? I’m not in a position now to give you any if you come closer.”
    Cherry stood still and stared at his back. He had assumed a stiff, cold stance and his fists were clenched.
    “I … I don’t understand …”
    He swung around and stared at her. The dark glow burning in his eyes made her step back. He smiled cynically.
    “Yes! Step away from me. It’s better this way. I want you! Do you understand? I want you so much that part of me doesn’t care whether you want me or not! I’m burning! Do you understand?” Anger and pain resonated in his voice and his evident emotional upset frightened her.
    “I … but …”
    He closed his eyes – his body was extremely tense.
    “Go Cherry. I want you. But not like this! I am too dangerous for you in this state. You’re not ready for this. Leave me alone here today. Tomorrow I’ll be fine. Go now!”
    Cherry woke from her trance and turned. As if the devil himself were chasing her, she ran from the room, down the corridor and down the stairs.

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