Taming Casanova

Taming Casanova by MJ Carnal Page A

Book: Taming Casanova by MJ Carnal Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Carnal
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“Shit.  What am I doing?  I lose my mind around you.  What the hell is wrong with me? We can’t keep doing this.”
    “I can’t do some casual fling with you.”  Kevin straightened his jeans and sighed.  His words were like a punch to the gut.
    “Why?  Because I’m only one person?”  Andi buttoned her shirt and her anger flared.  Her emotions were all over the place.  “I knew this was a mistake.”
    “Calm down.”  Kevin grabbed her shoulders.  “I can’t do casual with you because you already mean too much to me.”
    Andi’s eyes widened.  “I have to go.  I’ll see you when I see you.”
    “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”  Kevin opened the door and smiled at the steamed windows.
    “What?”  Andi climbed into the front seat.
    “Game night at Moretti’s.  You’re on my team so don’t be late.”  Kevin slammed the door and sighed as she sped off.
    Frustrating son of a bitch.   Andi growled to herself as she pulled out of the parking lot.  Her heart was pounding, her hands were shaking and her body was buzzing.  She would have taken it all the way in the back seat of her new car in a totally public place if Kevin hadn’t stopped it.  She was relieved he had.  She was completely angry he had. 
    In all the months she had known him, she had learned one thing.  Kevin Merck was a playboy.  He loved sex and he had it as often as possible.  If she surveyed ten women in LA, at least five would know who he was.  And two of the five would have known each other from his bedroom.  This was not the man she wanted to get involved with.  Her heart was doomed.  She punched the steering wheel.  There was no way any woman on earth could tame this Casanova, especially not one like her.
    But she wanted him.  She wanted him more than she wanted to breathe.  She wanted his lips on her mouth, his body moving inside hers.  She wanted to wake up and feel his stare and she wanted to gaze into those steel colored eyes forever.  She was screwed.  It was time to leap or stop dancing.

    Kevin slumped in his seat and grabbed his cell phone.  He needed to say the wor ds.  He had never said them in his life but he needed it to be ok.  His fingers flew across the keys.
    I’m in love with Andi.
    He waited.  His breathing was shallow as he stared at his phone.
    Fuck. I know.
    He laughed.   What do I do?
    His phone rang immediately.  Caleb’s face flashed across the screen.  He chuckled as he picked it up.  “Allen?”
    “If you hurt her, I will cut your dick off in your sleep and shove it so far up your ass that you will never see it again.  Do you understand me?”
    Kevin’s laughter echoed through the whole car.  He had never heard Caleb so worked up.  “Yeah, man.  I got it.”
    “Good.  Then maybe you should tell her and stop texting me like a pussy.”
    The line went dead and Kevin smiled.  One Allen down, one to go.

Chapter 10
    Andi stood up and greeted a very exhausted looking Ryan West.  His smile beamed but his eyes begged for sleep.  He hugged Caleb and all the women before settling down at the table and pulling Andi into his lap.  “What’s up my little hot Latina doctor?”
    Andi snuggled under his chin.  Since the day Ryan had stormed Caleb’s house and broken down his bedroom door to pick him up and dust him off after he lost Jena, Andi had decided being a part of the Moretti Minions was a gift.  For all the shit she had given Caleb, she had eaten her words on so many occasions.  The group was family.  And although she had an amazing relationship with her family, her extended family now meant just as much.
    She yawned when he did and they both smiled.  “ Layla stay home?”
    “I dropped the baby off with Rich’s parents and Layla decided to stay home and sleep.  She’s been amazing.  I’m really proud of her.”  The rumbling of bikes made everyone stop.  “What the hell is that?  Soph, did you invite the hells angels to game

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