kissed her though he’d
    said he wanted to.
    Scarlett was glad. It made the anticipation that much more delicious.
    “Thank you for dinner,” Scarlett said, her voice soft and sweet and putting Trevor on edge.
    She never sounded soft and sweet when she was with him. Her voice usually took on a hard edge, or
    an irritated one. He wondered if he’d finally gotten in her good graces.
    He wondered what he could do to keep himself there.
    “You’re welcome. I’m glad you suggested this place. I haven’t been here in a while.” She’d picked a
    little sushi restaurant not far from the theatre that stayed open to cater to the late flow of theatre goers.
    Smart move since the place had been almost full with customers when they first arrived. The crowd
    had dwindled until there were only a few tables occupied, theirs included.
    “It’s my favorite place to go for sushi.” She polished off the last shrimp tempura roll, a little murmur
    of approval sounding in her throat as she chewed.
    He enjoyed watching her eat. She did it with relish, without restraint and didn’t give a bunch of
    excuses for it either. Most of the women he took to dinner either didn’t eat at all or picked at their food.
    When they had actually shoved a fork in their mouth, a few had even apologized. As if it was a sin to eat.
    They’d practically all been reed thin, too. He wouldn’t classify Scarlett as reed thin. She had delicious
    curves, sensual curves he wanted to touch, explore. She looked like a real woman, not some stick with
    breasts and a flat ass.
    She’d changed her outfit, wore a simple thin cotton black dress with tiny ruffles around the neckline.
    A neckline that plunged low enough so he could catch a glimpse of cleavage every time she leaned
    forward, and he checked plenty. Her bra was black, shiny satin, and he couldn’t wait to touch her.
    Her creamy smooth skin glowed in the low lighting of the restaurant. She’d restrained her normally
    riotous hair, pulled it back into a low ponytail that rested at her nape. A few errant curls strayed from their
    restraints, weaving prettily about her face. She was gorgeous in such an unassuming way.
    Karen Erickson
    She drove him half mad with lust. Just looking at her had his cock hardening, threatening to pop the
    zipper out of his jeans. The need to take, to possess this woman and make her his was overwhelming. Their
    shared dinner was some sort of demented foreplay that messed with his mind and prolonged the inevitable.
    “Is sushi your favorite food?” He wanted to know everything about her. Learn her secrets, her
    preferences, her desires. She kept everything so close. Oh, she was friendly and everyone liked her at the
    theatre, but when he’d conducted some subtle asking around he realized that no one really seemed to know
    With the exception of Austin. And though they were friends, he didn’t feel comfortable enough
    digging information about Scarlett from him. It wouldn’t be right. He couldn’t cross that line.
    “I love sushi.” She dragged her finger through the few drops of sauce that dotted her plate and brought
    it to her mouth, licking it. Trevor’s eyes almost crossed at the sight, imagining her lips wrapped around his
    dick. “I love Thai food, too. I love Asian food.”
    “So you bring all your dates here.” Why did the idea of that make his blood boil? Imagining her with
    another man made his gut clench, his head hurt.
    If he thought about it too much, he just might be jealous.
    Scarlett laughed, ran her hand over her head to smooth away the little wisps of wild hair. They sprang
    back out the second her hand dropped. “I wouldn’t consider this a date.”
    “No?” He cocked a brow at her. What the hell did she consider it then? “Tell me what you think this
    “Two friends going out for dinner after work, simple as that.” She grabbed the straw in her drink and
    twirled it around, the clinking of the ice

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