The Boss's Love

The Boss's Love by Casey Clipper

Book: The Boss's Love by Casey Clipper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Clipper
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hosted around seventy-five men. Non-stop drinks were served all night to Darren. Finally he started to feel the alcohol kick in. Derrick stuck by his side the entire night. Everything went well until their immensely shitfaced brother-in-law strolled up to them. Amused at his condition, Derrick chuckled and took a small drink of his whiskey on the rocks. 
                  "So," Max slurred, "what are you going to do while Courtney's gone all weekend?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively. "Taking home a stripper or two?"
                  Darren rolled his eyes. Despite his demand that Courtney not have strippers and his fiancée calling his bluff with her own demand, Jack and Carl insisted on naked women. Seventy-five drunk, horny men expected female nudity. To be honest, Darren was relieved. He couldn't imagine telling the men no women tonight. That might not have gone over well and his bar might have ended up brunt to the ground. 
                  The far more sober one, Derrick picked up on Max's words. "What do you mean for the weekend? It's Friday. The party is tonight so everyone has the weekend to recover." 
                  Max snorted. "Riiiiight. The girls are going to come home from Vegas tonight." 
                  "What!" Darren and Derrick yelped in unison. 
                  "They went to Vegas!" Darren screamed. 
                  The few men nearby scatted away. 
                  "Why the hell didn't you tell us?" Derrick barked. He picked up his cell phone and dialed Courtney's cell but it went straight to voicemail. "Damn it!" 
                  "I should fucking punch you, Max," Darren sneered. His relationship with his brother-in-law was tolerant at best.  
                  "I just found out a few hours ago. You know your sister's damn good at keeping a secret. Apparently they didn't even tell Courtney," Max said defensively.  
                  "Of course she didn't know," Darren huffed. "Courtney would never willingly go if she knew Diane was taking her to Vegas. She wouldn't want to upset me." 
                  Derrick tried Courtney's phone again. Still no answer. Obviously someone shut it off.  
                  "We need to fly to Vegas," Darren demanded.
                  Derrick nodded. "I'll call Gary."
                  Within fifteen minutes, a charter plane had been booked and would be ready for take off in forty-five minutes. They couldn't risk Courtney alone in Vegas without security. Swooping in and carting her ass straight away was priority number one. She was about to become Darren's wife, which made her a target. A target that if something happened to her would destroy Darren. 
                  Courtney, Darren, and Derrick sat at Darren's dining room table after taking the red-eye home from retrieving the girls in Vegas. Exhausted and hung over, they sipped on coffee and tea. Though, of the three, Derrick seemed in the best condition. 
                  "So, how many strippers were at the party?" Courtney asked, sipping her green tea. 
                  Derrick chuckled.
                  Darren should have realized she wouldn't be fooled by his “no strippers” demand.  
                  "Enough to keep the guys entertained, sweetheart. I kept to the bar with Derrick by my side the entire night," he assured her. "How about you?" he asked, bracing for an honest answer.
                  She huffed. "We went to more strip clubs than I could count."
                  Darren growled and Derrick lost his good humor.
                  "I told Diane no strippers. I don't like my fiancée bounced around like some floozy," Darren snarled. 
                  "I'll talk to her," Derrick said, placating his brother. His

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