A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance)

A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan

Book: A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Jordan
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he began to lengthen and hasten his strokes. "I'm sorry. I'm overeager," he said, and he tried to slow down, she could tell, but he was breathing hard and fast.
    "It's okay," she said, and he started fucking her faster. She matched the rhythmic fervour of his movements until that familiar tingling began radiating in her pelvis and her breasts felt like they were about to burst. "I can't last much longer," she whispered.
    "Good," he growled, "because neither can I."
    Throwing his head back, Joseph shot his cum and Erin dug her fingers into his butt cheeks as she climaxed in a series of shudders. He'd been propped up on his hands, but now he lay on top of her until his perspiration turned cool against her skin. She lay with her arms wrapped around him, spent but feeling an unfamiliar emptiness. Without the love they'd once felt for one another, it wasn't the same. This was the only time and place they had been completely right for one another, and now that was gone. Fucking with Joseph should have felt like coming home again, but the saying you can't do that was true.
    A repeat performance wasn't in the cards for them and she hoped his tender kiss goodbye meant that he knew it too.
    * * *
    Sitting at the kitchen table, Erin stared into her empty cup. It was Saturday morning and after two cups of coffee she still felt depressed. She shoved a hand through her hair. What's wrong with me ? Having sex with my ex? Am I that desperate? Just because Mitch and I broke up, it's not the end of the world.
    Weekends usually found her feeling vibrant and ordinarily by now she would have taken a lengthy walk through the park where maples and elms bent their leafy heads together over the hiking trail. With the crisp morning air further invigorating her, she'd indulge in a latte from Starbucks afterwards and feel ready to take on the world.
    Joey, still sleepy-eyed when she returned, would be ready for homemade pancakes with thick maple syrup and crispy slices of bacon, and she'd fondly watch him devour more food than anyone would believe a skinny boy's stomach could hold.
    But Joey was gone and so was Mitch. And Joseph too, although he'd never really been back. She had no plans for that night. Or ever. A Saturday night and a lifetime with nothing to look forward to. Margo and Leanne were married and Erin felt left out of everything.
    The three partners had debated changing the word 'ex-wives' on their business cards but they couldn't come up with a term that had the same ring, so thus far, they'd only changed the two last names.
    Hearing a sudden screech of tires out front and eager to see anyone who might be arriving at her house whether it was a visitor or a delivery person, Erin bolted out of her chair and rushed for the front door. She peeked out the window and, seeing a bright red sports car, batted her eyes in puzzlement. Who could it be? A second later, a woman with long, frosted hair tied back with a scarf strode up the front walk and rang the doorbell.
    Opening up, Erin took a closer look at her visitor. "Angel?"
    "In the flesh," her cousin said. Her laughter sounded less certain than her words.
    They hadn't seen one another in a long time and Erin didn't think Angel had ever seen her house.
    "With your hair highlighted and past your shoulders, you look so different. But great, as always. Er…uh…come in. This is such a surprise. Would you like some coffee?"
    "I'd love some but it doesn't agree with me."
    "You're thinner. Have you been ill?" Erin asked, touching Angel's arm.
    "Not really. But Mama hasn't been feeling well and I—I was wondering if you'd change your mind and go dress shopping with me? I hate to beg but I don't want to go alone. Searching for a wedding gown should be a festive occasion and it sounds so lame, shopping for something so special by myself. Besides, I'm not good at making decisions without someone else's opinion, and your sense of style is much better than mine."
    For a girl who'd always been

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