Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Page A

Book: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
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moment before leaning down to take her nipple into his mouth for one last taste. He dug his phone from his pocket as he allowed her breast to slip free of his lips with an audible pop.
    Lifting it to his ear, he demanded. “This better be fucking important.”
    “Watch it.” Bone barked. “It’s the Jackal’s.”
    Tank wanted to put his fist through the wall. Damn, those fucking Jackal’s were always ruining his day. The stupid bastards.
    “What the fuck did they do now?” He asked, stepping back from Annie, watching as she seemed to shake herself before sliding off the counter, picking up her shirt to put it back on. That made him want to hunt down the Jackal’s and murder them all. He didn’t want Annie’s breast covered by anything other than his mouth, his hands and maybe his cock. Bone spoke bringing his attention back to the phone.
    “They grabbed a woman in Longville. I need you to see if you can track them. Tick can’t cause he has to watch the damned farm, and your our only other tracker. These bastards are really starting to piss me off with this dumb shit. I’m about ready to make it open season on their stupid asses.” Bone’s voice held an edge Tank hadn’t heard since they’ d kidnapped Molly. He could understand the man’s anger. He was really pissed off himself, if they hadn’t kidnapped someone, he’d be balls deep in Annie right now.
    “Fine, give me a half hour , and I will be ready to ride.” Tank hung up without waiting for an answer.
    Annie was still panting in lust when Tank took a damned phone call. Damn, he must not have been as consumed by lust as she had been. Otherwise , he would have ignored his phone. He was likely hoping for a way out of having sex with the chunky chick. Men were all bastards when it came to a woman with a little extra junk in her trunk. She didn’t have a bad body image or think less of herself for liking to eat. She was big and beautiful, only most men didn’t see it. They weren’t at fault, they been told from years and years ago, before Mother Nature’s temper tantrum, that scrawny women were more beautiful than larger ones.
    It just pissed her off. A man the size of Tank should want a larger woman, one who could handle what he had to dish out. Sliding off the counter, she found her shirt slipping it on . She saw Tank watching her with a grim expression before he snapped into the phone, “Fine, give me a half hour, and I will be ready to ride.” Then he shoved the phone back into his pocket.
    “Sweetheart, I know I promised I’d cook you dinner, but I have to go take care of something.”
    Annie stared at the man. That was all he was going to tel l her? That he was going to take care of something. She was not his little woman, and this scene was just not something she wanted to be involved in. He could take his ‘women needed to be protected from the world’ crap and shove it right up his ass. What the fuck?
    “Rig ht, well, have fun.” Annie said, turning to head upstairs.
    “Hey, what the hell was that attitude for?” Tank demanded, glaring at her back. She didn’t even stop walking. Really? How dare she?
    “You get back here this minute, Annie!” He roared at her retreating form, earning a bird shot over her shoulder. Oh, hell no, that was it. He’d been nice, while he allowed her to be a bitch earlier today, but he was done with that bullshit. From the minute she’d responded to his kisses and allowed him to strip her, she’d become his. Now, she was going to learn what that meant because he wasn’t going to allow her to brush him aside anymore.
    He stormed up the stairs behind her , grabbing her arm. He didn’t hurt her, but he didn’t let her go either. He spun her around, glaring at her. She was level with him because she was standing on the step above him.
    “What the hell was that in the kitchen, Annie?” He demanded.
    “It was you getting out of screwing the fat chick. Don’t worry asshole, I don’t want you any

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