Taras Bulba and Other Tales
innumerable steppe-birds of every sort, deer, and goats. Or they went out upon the lakes, the river, and its tributaries allotted to each kuren, to throw their nets and draw out rich prey for the enjoyment of the whole kuren. Although unversed in any trade exercised by a Cossack, they were soon remarked among the other youths for their obstinate bravery and daring in everything. Skilfully and accurately they fired at the mark, and swam the Dnieper against the current—a deed for which the novice was triumphantly received into the circle of Cossacks.
    But old Taras was planning a different sphere of activity for them. Such an idle life was not to his mind; he wanted active employment. He reflected incessantly how to stir up the Setch to some bold enterprise, wherein a man could revel as became a warrior. At length he went one day to the Koschevoi, and said plainly:—
    "Well, Koschevoi, it is time for the Zaporozhtzi to set out."
    "There is nowhere for them to go," replied the Koschevoi, removing his short pipe from his mouth and spitting to one side.
    "What do you mean by nowhere? We can go to Turkey or Tatary."
    "Impossible to go either to Turkey or Tatary," replied the Koschevoi, putting his pipe coolly into his mouth again.
    "Why impossible?"
    "It is so; we have promised the Sultan peace."
    "But he is a Mussulman; and God and the Holy Scriptures command us to slay Mussulmans."
    "We have no right. If we had not sworn by our faith, it might be done; but now it is impossible."
    "How is it impossible? How can you say that we have no right? Here are my two sons, both young men. Neither has been to war; and you say that we have no right, and that there is no need for the Zaporozhtzi to set out on an expedition."
    "Well, it is not fitting."
    "Then it must be fitting that Cossack strength should be wasted in vain, that a man should disappear like a dog without having done a single good deed, that he should be of no use to his country or to Christianity! Why, then, do we live? What the deuce do we live for? just tell me that. You are a sensible man, you were not chosen as Koschevoi without reason: so just tell me what we live for?"
    The Koschevoi made no reply to this question. He was an obstinate Cossack. He was silent for a while, and then said, "Anyway, there will not be war."
    "There will not be war?" Taras asked again.
    "Then it is no use thinking about it?"
    "It is not to be thought of."
    "Wait, you devil's limb!" said Taras to himself; "you shall learn to know me!" and he at once resolved to have his revenge on the Koschevoi.
    Having made an agreement with several others, he gave them liquor; and the drunken Cossacks staggered into the square, where on a post hung the kettledrums which were generally beaten to assemble the people. Not finding the sticks, which were kept by the drummer, they seized a piece of wood and began to beat. The first to respond to the drum-beat was the drummer, a tall man with but one eye, but a frightfully sleepy one for all that.
    "Who dares to beat the drum?" he shouted.
    "Hold your tongue! take your sticks, and beat when you are ordered!" replied the drunken men.
    The drummer at once took from his pocket the sticks which he had brought with him, well knowing the result of such proceedings. The drum rattled, and soon black swarms of Cossacks began to collect like bees in the square. All formed in a ring; and at length, after the third summons, the chiefs began to arrive—the Koschevoi with staff in hand, the symbol of his office; the judge with the army-seal; the secretary with his ink-bottle; and the osaul with his staff. The Koschevoi and the chiefs took off their caps and bowed on all sides to the Cossacks, who stood proudly with their arms akimbo.
    "What means this assemblage? what do you wish, gentles?" said the Koschevoi. Shouts and exclamations interrupted his speech.
    "Resign your staff! resign your staff this moment, you son of Satan! we will have you no longer!" shouted some of

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