Temptation & Twilight
long enough,” she found herself muttering, thinking of her run-in with the marquis.
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    “Perhaps if you shared your worries, that might help soothe them.”
    Lizzy laughed despite herself. “Believe me, Maggie, there is nothing anyone could say to make me feel better.
    I never want to think on the matter again.”
    “Well, then, there is no sense brooding over something you don’t wish to share. I can’t help you if you don’t want it. Now step out of that gown if you please, the buttons are already undone.”
    Practical, strong Maggie. She knew how to get what she wanted from her charge, and it was not with cajoling.
    Normally, Lizzy might have indulged her companion’s curiosity, and even solicited her sage advice. But not in this. This matter must never come to light.
    Stepping out of the gown, which pooled around her legs, Elizabeth reached for the bedpost she knew was directly before her, and held on. She was growing calm, as she always did in her room, where everything was as it should be. Where she could move about with freedom, knowing she would not trip over something and hurt herself, or worse, destroy some priceless family relic. In her room, she was not disabled. She was not an invalid. She was just plain Elizabeth York.
    A thumping sound followed by a little whimper greeted her, and she smiled, closed her eyes and allowed the warm tongue awaiting her to brush against her cheek.
    “Little mouse,” she whispered as she buried her face in her spaniel’s soft fur. “Still up?” Rosie, her pregnant springer spaniel, whimpered as Elizabeth spoke nonsense into her long floppy ears.
    Adrian had bred her with another springer in the hopes that her offspring might prove as useful as Rosie herself.
    It was amazing, but true, that Rosie very often acted as Elizabeth’s eyes, guiding her away from furniture and BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012
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    objects in the way. It was Adrian’s hope that he could train the pups to help others like Elizabeth.
    “That dog has been waiting for you on the bed for hours now,” Maggie said as she unlaced Elizabeth’s corset. “Poor lamb, she’s as big as a house and couldn’t manage the jump up by herself.”
    “So you helped her, even though you think it’s sacri-lege for an animal to be on a bed.”
    “Or the settees, or that grand leather chair of His Grace’s,” Maggie reminded her. “Aye, I helped her. I couldn’t resist when she looked at me with those sad eyes of hers.”
    “She is the most adorable and loving creature, isn’t she?” Elizabeth murmured as she released her hold on the bedpost and snuggled against her beloved pet. “Yes,” she murmured, “I love you, too, sweet.”
    “I wouldn’t let her lick my face,” Maggie muttered, and Elizabeth could almost see her lips curled in distaste.
    “Well, they’re the only kisses I am liable to receive, so I shall take them,” she teased, but Maggie merely grunted as she pulled the corset from Elizabeth’s breasts and tossed the silk-and-steel garment onto the bed. Her companion liked to claim that Rosie was a nuisance, but Lizzy knew she had a soft spot for the dog, regardless of what she wanted people to believe. Maggie might give the impression of being a commander, but inside, she had a very kind heart and a rather romantic soul. But she’d given it all up to stay and live with Lizzy. More than her lady’s maid and her eyes, she had been a substitute mother, a nurse and was now a treasured friend. Lizzy could not have gained any measure of independence if it had not been for her. People thought it a testament to Lizzy’s own courage and drive that she had accomplished so much despite her blindness, but really, it was BOUND GALLEY EDITION March 23, 2012
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