Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount
comfortably on for many, many years…a lifetime even.
    Knowing that she was only aware of some of the monies her father brought in as a result of her assistance, Hope wondered if there was even more missing than she currently thought. And if so, what was her father planning to do with all that money? Did he have a mistress? Was he attempting to gamble on his own and losing? Was he being blackmailed? As a member of the House of Commons, her father was in a position of power and there were many who would do whatever they had to in order to take some of that power themselves.
    “Miss? There is a gentleman here to see you. Ah, Miss…?”
    “Oh, Rivers,” Hope said, looking up at the serious man, her mind still on the matter of her father. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?”
    “Yes, Miss. A gentleman is here to see you,” Rivers repeated, this time holding out a small calling card to Hope.
    Hope took the card, read it, and then leapt to her feet, nearly knocking over her chair in her enthusiasm. Michael! He was there…in her house…to see her. When they had parted company earlier in the day, he had said he would contact her after he met with the Stock Exchange Committee, but never did she think it would be this soon. And for whatever reason, it never dawned on her that it would be there in her house…
    Beside herself with excitement, Hope tried to calm herself as she said, “Very good, Rivers. Please show him in.”
    Rivers nodded solemnly, as only a butler can, and left to retrieve the waiting viscount. Hope sat back down and tried to appear as collected and unaffected as possible. He is only here for business , she told herself. This is not a courting call.
    As Michael followed the Stuckeleys’ butler through the large, clearly lived-in house, he wondered if he should have brought the flowers he was currently clutching. This was not your typical visit to a young lady. This was business. However, it would have felt very strange to arrive at a young lady’s house without the prerequisite bouquet of blooms. And, as he told himself over and over on his way to the Stuckeley home , the flowers were just a show put on for her family.
    Pretending to court Hope would give Michael a plausible excuse to visit often. It seemed a stroke of brilliance to him at the time, but now he realized he would have to discuss it with Hope immediately to make it very clear right up front that any courting would be just an act…for the case…and that was all. It wouldn’t do to have any misinterpretations, or possibly hurt feelings, due to a lack of communication in the beginning.
    The butler stopped just outside what appeared to be an office of some kind and Michael heard him announce “Lord Lichfield” to whomever was in the room. Michael had assumed the austere man was taking him to see Hope, but apparently, judging from the fact that he was about to enter a study, Michael decided he was about to meet with Mr. Stuckeley instead.
    However, to Michael’s immense—although he was not exactly sure why—surprise, seated behind the desk in the well-appointed study was Hope. And in front of her was an impressive stack of ledgers that Michael presumed were not there just for appearances. Apparently, Hope was responsible for managing the estate accounts. Yet another unusual pastime for a young lady.
    “Good afternoon, Michael,” Hope said, standing to offer her hand for a greeting.
    Taking her proffered hand from across the desk and lifting it to his lips, Michael returned the salutation. Then holding out the flowers he brought, he said, “These are for you.”
    The surprise Hope felt at such a romantic gesture must have registered on her face, for Michael rushed to add, “For appearance’s sake, you know. I needed a credible reason for, er, visiting you on what is sure to be a, ah, regular basis. This,” Michael continued, gesturing to the bouquet and all it stood for, “seemed the most obvious

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