Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage
vitamins! What did I do to deserve this?” Her turn onto the path into the forest a childhood habit, she walked with little care for where she ended up.
    Startled by a rustle on her right, Lysette realized just how deep in wild territory her lack of attention allowed her to traipse. A howl on her left jerked her head around. “What a fool I am.” She backed up several steps, pivoted and tripped. Her cheek smacked a tree root, but she paused only long enough to clear her head. With her palms on the ground, she pushed up and froze. Dark brown boots the color of tree bark were mere inches from her nose.
    “Didn’t your mother warn you of what lurks within the woods?”
    Scared, she came to her feet while her gaze assessed the masculine figure towering over her smaller body. Deep green , snug pants hugged muscular thighs and a rocked thrust of narrow hips urged her continued assessment. The bare upper torso revealed a flat stomach, but veined and brawny crossed arms hindered her complete view of the broad chest. Rich brown hair fell over wide shoulders and deep tanned flesh rippled over powerful muscles while a strong squared jaw, straight nose and tempting lips marked a handsome face. Corners of the delectable mouth turned up as if the man caught something familiar.
    “My beautiful little wood nymph has returned for me.”
    If sex possessed a voice, it just spoke and its depth attested to the five foot eleven frame’s virility. Lysette looked up and her eyes widened as she choked on a lump that suddenly appeared in her throat. Deep, rich-colored, moss green eyes stared back. “Oh my god.”
    One eyebrow raised. “Never been called that before, but I’ll be happy to oblige.”
    “It’s…my nightmare—” Darkness devoured her world as an earthy scent engulfed all of her senses.
    * * * *
    At her slump, Arrden dove and caught her body. “Interesting response.” Red hair brushed his arm as a wild and woodsy scent washed over him, the evoked memory sweet. Honeysuckle and lilac wafted on the air. He scooped her into his arms and strode toward the glen, which served as his home, the weight in his arms insignificant. With the leaves and mosses willed into a thick bed, he knelt and lay her down. His muscles stiffened at the jolt of his erection and he recalled the absence of a willing woman for the better part of the last century while progress closed in on his domain. Certain civilization’s intrusion remained inevitable, he expected them to overwhelm him within a few hundred years.
    He recollected the feminine intruders he benefitted from during his rule. He lost track of how many times he welcomed a lonely lady who traipsed through his realm and bathed at the falls or napped on a convenient moss bed. When a proffered opportunity arose, he physically pleasured the bathing and sleeping beauties. It never ceased to amaze him the number of times a woman surrendered herself to an unseen force, drenched his cock in silken cream, then fled in terror. Oddly enough, the molested women returned a time or two. Some even more.
    Arrden redirected his attention to the unconscious wood nymph beneath him. The sun danced through the trees and dappled her soft pale flesh with alluring shadows. Long enough to wrap around a man’s waist, her shapely legs guided his gaze to the curvaceous hips designed for a man’s grip while the fleshy backside promised a delightful jiggle if spanked. Sexy curves beckoned him and it took all he possessed to refrain from taking her here and now. Silken red hair as dark as a red rose reached her slightly indented waist while full and supple breasts threatened to spill from the confinement of her bra.
    He adored the fact she stood a mere five foot one for such made her petite enough to tangle with in any number of delightful ways. He also appreciated her delicious plumpness. A longing to taste her full lips as dark and lush as ripe raspberries stirred inside of him. He recalled the fleeting moment

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