Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage
their gazes met and how her eyes matched the clear blue pool of water a few yards away. His forefinger trailed over her cheek and pushed a silken wisp of hair behind her small ear. “You once agreed to anything, little one, and now I set the price as you belong in the forest. You belong to me. Your heart will be mine. Sleep, my little wood nymph.”
    Arrden wished to taste her essence, to sample every delightful inch of her softness and merge with her as a lover. Her scent and curves coaxed him, invited him to explore and tested his resistance. Need for her rose, but he wanted her awake, not in a dream state. His determination strong, his jaw remained clenched in resolution, but his expression gentled at the slight flutter of her eyelids.
    She opened her eyes and stared as he leaned over her. “I’m not dreaming, am I?” His headshake spurred her to sit up, her movements cautious. “You’re the something that doesn’t belong in the woods, aren’t you?” She scooted back when his slow nod worsened the situation. Her elbow bumped a tree trunk.
    Amused, he studied the delightful woman. “I could have had my way with you while you slept and enjoyed your awakening beneath me, but I didn’t. I could make the roots of a tree bind you to my whim until I have my fill of you, but I won’t. Seeing as there’s much I could have done, but didn’t , won’t you trust me a little, sweet wood nymph?”
    “I’m not a wood nymph.”
    “Hmmm, no answer and a denial.” Arrden stood, clasped his hands behind his back and walked a few paces away. “Interesting predicament.” His pivot swift, he leveled his gaze on the quivering woman. “For both of us.”
    She shivered. “What do you mean?”
    He eased closer. “Most women in my forest are either delightful wood nymphs, playful beauties I can pleasure, or trespassers who seem to disappear.” He crouched down before her and admired her quiver. “So, my sweet, which are you?”
    “Maybe I am a wood nymph, but not one you can pleasure.”
    “ Can instead of may ?” Size belied speed as Arrden took two steps, knelt, cupped her chin, raised her face and leaned forward onto one knee. His thumb stroked the silky softness of her skin while he looked deep into her eyes. “Is that a challenge?”
    * * * *
    The caress of his deep voice slid over her body. Fascinated by his handsomeness, Lysette met his gaze. Captivated, she stared as deep moss green eyes closed the distance until she felt his mint-fresh breath warm her face. Gentle lips brushed against hers and teased her to lean into their kiss. The subtle work of his jaw claimed her mouth as his hand cradled the back of her head. She whimpered in protest as his lips departed from hers, but then he was directing her onto her back, following her down.
    * * * *
    Arrden thickened the moss bed beneath her figure. “I ask again, sweet wood nymph, is that a challenge?” Her hesitation a risk he feared, he reclaimed her mouth in hungry passion. He slid his free hand under the strap of her sundress and paused while his thumb rubbed her soft skin. Pushing his tongue inside of her mouth, he beckoned her into a torrid, yet languorous, oral duel while he shifted his body and covered her supple figure.
    * * * *
    Pinned on her back, Lysette pushed against him and broke their oral embrace. “I can’t do this.”
    He held his ground. “Why not?”
    Breathless from his heavenly assault, she wanted more, but continued to push against his chest. She swallowed hard. No muscle in his body budged even a mere fraction. “I don’t know you.”
    He held her gaze. “Oh yes you do, my sweet. Give me your name and I’ll give you mine.”
    “Even if I did, such doesn’t mean we know each other.”
    “Twenty years ago you were a redheaded waif. Now you are a delightful and sensual woman. Your name, please.”
    Lysette couldn’t break free of his gaze. “I’ve been a redhead since my birth.”
    “Cease evasion,” he

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