[Texas Rangers 04] - Ranger's Trail

[Texas Rangers 04] - Ranger's Trail by Elmer Kelton

Book: [Texas Rangers 04] - Ranger's Trail by Elmer Kelton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elmer Kelton
Tags: Fiction, General, Revenge, Western Stories, Texas
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if he had been their own.
    “ Clemmie would want you to be happy,” he said. He knew that was another weak argument.
    “ I couldn’t be happy knowin’ I hadn’t done right by her. No, Rusty, we’ll have to wait … wait ’til Mama gets over this stroke, or ’til …” She did not finish.
    He tried to keep his voice from betraying the disappointment he felt. “You’ve got to do what you think is best.”
    She leaned against him. “I wasn’t sure you’d understand.”
    “ I understand.”
    “ I always said you’re the best man I ever knew, Rusty, except maybe for Papa and Preacher Webb. I’ll just have to wait some more. I hope you can.”
    He could. He had to. In all his life he had loved only two women. One had been lost to him. He would go to any length to avoid losing this one.
    “ However long it takes,” he said. “I just wish there was somethin’ I could do for Clemmie.”
    “ The best medicine she could have would be to see Alice come back. Or at least to know she’s all right.”
    “ Why wouldn’t Alice be all right?”
    “ It’s that man, Corey Bascom. I never did trust him. I don’t think anybody did except Alice. James wouldn’t have hired him if he hadn’t been desperate for help in breakin’ horses. I could see that Alice was taken with him, but I never once suspected they might run off together.”
    “ It’s hard sometimes to tell what’s in young folks’ minds.” Rusty often had difficulty in reading Andy’s intentions. He could be as inscrutable as an Indian.
    Josie said, “Alice got a thrill out of havin’ all the young bachelors around here come and pay court to her. That’s why I can’t figure why she settled for Corey. He had an air about him like he was hidin’ somethin’. Maybe it was the mystery that attracted her.”
    Rusty considered a while before he offered, “What if I was to go and look for her? Maybe I can find out if she’s all right and bring her home if she’s not.”
    Josie’s eyes flickered with momentary hope that quickly gave way to doubt. “I always felt like there was somethin’ a little dangerous about Corey. Nothin’ I could put my finger on, nothin’ he ever exactly said or did. Just a strong feelin’. He might hurt you.”
    “ There’s been others tried.”
    “ What if he doesn’t want to be found? What if Alice wants to come home but he doesn’t want to let her?”
    “ I’ll just have to persuade him.”
    Misgivings were strong in her eyes. “It’s too much to ask of you, Rusty.”
    “ You’re not askin’. I’m offerin’.”
    “ I wouldn’t want you to put yourself in harm’s way for this family.”
    “ I’ve been in harm’s way most of my life. And you-all and Andy are the nearest thing to family that I’ve got.”
    “ At least talk to James. And to Evan. They worked with Corey. They’ll know the most about him.”
    “ I’ll do that. It’s best you don’t say anything to Clemmie. If I don’t find Alice, she’d just be hurt all over again.”
    Josie remained on the porch while he walked toward the dusty corral where James and Evan were working with a young horse, sliding a saddle blanket along its back, getting it used to the strange new feel. Geneva Gifford stood outside the fence, watching them. Her son, Billy, and a young daughter were beside her. Turning as Rusty approached, she extended her hand. She attempted a smile but could not quite bring it off. She said, “Billy told me you and Andy had come. I guess you’ve seen Mama.”
    “ I wish I’d known sooner.”
    He could never look at Geneva without feeling a sense of loss, though he had gradually come to terms with that loss a long time ago. He had taken comfort in the fact that her marriage was a good one. She had a husband who was worthy of her. Childbearing had matured her. She carried more weight than when he had courted her, but she was still handsome.
    She said, “I saw you on the porch with Josie. Did you ask her this time?”

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