Text Order Bride
head bowed.
    “Wow. I had no idea you felt that way.” She was silent for a moment as if
    searching for the right words. “Amanda, you’ve never really even dated
    anyone. You scared all the guys off when you could see over the top of
    their heads. Which one of those numbskulls would have fallen for you?”
    Amanda hiccupped a laugh. “Numbskulls?”
    “Absolute numbskulls,” Stephanie said adamantly. “Jason isn’t a
    numbskull. If he wasn’t half in love with you when he asked you to marry
    him, sight unseen I’ll remind you, then I’d be shocked.”
    “Do you really think so?” At Stephanie’s nod, she said, “I hope you’re
    Stephanie grinned. “Oh, I’m right.”
    The door opened then, and Jason stepped inside. “Oh, hi, Stephanie. I
    didn’t know you were visiting today.” It had started raining, and he was
    hoping that he could lure his wife into bed. If he couldn’t work, he might as
    well be doing something fun.
    Stephanie looked at Amanda. “I’m on my way out.”
    Jason looked between them. “You don’t have to leave just because I’m
    here.” He liked Stephanie. Why would she leave?
    Stephanie smiled and hugged Amanda. “I’m already gone.”
    Jason stood in the middle of the room baffled. He watched as Stephanie
    left, and Amanda got up and fussed around. “Mandy,” he started reaching
    out to take her arm. “Were you crying?”
    She shook her head and pulled away straightening the pillows on the couch
    as if it was the most important thing she could do.
    “Mandy, stop that!” He grasped both of her arms in his hands. “What’s the
    matter? Have I done something to offend you? I know I’m working all the
    time, but it’s raining! I have the afternoon off until milking time.”
    “It’s not that,” she mumbled, not meeting his eyes. “I expected you to work
    all the time. I didn’t come into this marriage blind.”
    “Then tell me what it is. I can’t fix something if I’m not aware it’s going on,”
    he told her. “I hate seeing you cry.”
    Amanda took a deep breath. “I was just talking to Stephanie about how I’m
    afraid I’m falling in love with you.”
    He tensed for a moment, thrilled that she had feelings for him, but worried
    because of the way she’d phrased that. “Would that be the end of the
    Amanda shook her head, the tears starting to fall again. “I just hate the
    idea of having feelings that don’t go both ways. It would be much harder to
    be in a marriage with love on one side, than it would be to be in a loveless
    marriage, which is what we signed on for. Does that make any sense at
    Jason nodded. “It makes perfect sense. And you’re right. It is hard to be
    in a marriage with love all on one side. I know. I’ve been there since the
    day I married you.”
    Amanda looked at him in shock, “But, you married me because you wanted
    kids and we got along so well online and on the phone and stuff. It wasn’t
    for love.”
    Jason shook his head. “Maybe it wasn’t love on your side, but it certainly
    was on my side. I’d never have asked you to marry me otherwise.”
    Amanda smiled and brushed away the last of her tears burying her face
    against him. “I’m so glad I’m not in this alone. I love you, Jason.”
    He laughed and grabbed her in a bear hug. “And I love you, Mandy.”
    She laughed and kissed his chin. “I’m so glad it rained.”
    He leaned over to kiss her. “Wanna go upstairs and see my bedroom?”
    “It hasn’t changed much since this morning,” she told him. “I mean, the bed
    is made now, but that’s about it.”
    “Let’s go unmake that bed.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward
    the stairs.
    “Are you going to make it worth my while to have to remake it?” she asked
    “You bet. And I plan on keeping you in it for long enough that making it
    again will seem pointless.”
    “Do you promise?” she asked as he closed the bedroom door to shut out

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