That Dating Thing
her smile came slow. “Where did you learn to do that?”
    “I did several ride-alongs with NYPD when I first joined the D.A.’s office. Two of those days were with a K-9 unit. I picked up a few things.”
    She eyed Pippin, who still hadn’t moved. “For someone who doesn’t like dogs, you have the touch.”
    “Who said I don’t like dogs?”
    “The other day, when I explained that your father was hurt because he saved Pippin.” She paused at his lifted brow. “Never mind. First impressions.” She shrugged. “So, are you going to let him up?”
    “Go ahead,” he invited.
    She shook her head. “You gave the order to stay. You finish it. And make sure to praise him. He’s sensitive.”
    “Sensitive hell, he’s psychotic,” Coop grumbled then patted his thigh. “Pippin, come here, boy.”
    Pippin jumped up and moved to Coop’s side. His head hung low as he approached and Coop figured she had it right. The dog was either embarrassed or cowered.
    “Good boy.” Coop scrubbed the dog’s large head and Pippin’s tongue snuck out for a lick.
    Rylee gripped the dog’s collar and grimaced. “We’re still working on the kissing.”
    Coop hesitated at the irresistible opening. “Let me know if I can be of any help with that.”

Chapter Six
    Rylee reacted to Coop’s suggestive comment exactly as he expected. She blinked and a tiny frown creased her brow. Whenever the conversation veered toward anything even remotely personal, either she fell back on that sarcastic wit she’d perfected or she retreated into silence. Like now.
    Curious contradictions lurked beneath the carefree, lighthearted image she projected. She’d dismissed his show of interest, along with his invitation to meet his friends, and yet he caught her watching him several times during dinner, her eyes full of feminine awareness. Her aunt’s matchmaking annoyed her, but she smiled and teased him, including him in the family camaraderie around the table.
    Confusion trumped wariness in her eyes now. He’d thrown her off-balance. Good. Since meeting her the other day, she’d been popping into his head with annoying regularity. Why should he be alone in his madness?
    He’d been anxious to see her again, telling himself he’d imagined the unprecedented sexual pull he’d experienced for Elliott’s stepdaughter, step-cousin—step-whatever. His imagination was in play, all right. From the moment he’d seen her again, he’d envisioned her in a number of different situations. She’d been naked in all of them.
    And he wasn’t the only one experiencing the pull. Those flashes of feminine awareness in her dark-chocolate eyes broadcast her attraction to him, an attraction she evidently planned to ignore. He’d see about that. He hadn’t earned his reputation as a successful prosecutor by backing away from a difficult case, and the beautiful dog trainer was a case he meant to crack.
    He turned away and wandered further into the room. Pippin trotted at his side.
    “So, this is The Canine Academy?” He eyed the cages. “Where are your other students?”
    A soft release of pent up breath reached his ears and he smiled. Yes, off balance was just how he wanted her.
    “Gone for the day.”
    “Why is Pippin still here?”
    “Pippin required a more intense program. He’s our only boarder at the moment.”
    “Have dinner with me,” he said, without turning around. She didn’t answer and he waited several beats before glancing over his shoulder. Her eyes shuttered, she fell back on sarcasm.
    “We just finished dinner. What do you have, a tapeworm?”
    He faced her. “I’d like to take you to dinner, Rylee.”
    Her hand went to Belle’s head beside her and she jutted her chin up a notch. “That wouldn’t be a good idea, Coop.”
    “Why? I’m attracted to you, and a man can tell when the attraction is mutual.”
    She said nothing, returning his gaze while she scratched the fur between Belle’s ears.
    “It’s just a meal.” He crossed

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