The 10/60 Diet: How to Lose 10% of Your Body Weight in 60 Days.

The 10/60 Diet: How to Lose 10% of Your Body Weight in 60 Days. by Phil Torcivia Page B

Book: The 10/60 Diet: How to Lose 10% of Your Body Weight in 60 Days. by Phil Torcivia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phil Torcivia
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they are high-carb. Good options include mustard, ginger, and red wine vinegar. Learn to leave the bun behind. Again, eat all the veggies you want and skip the fruit, especially dried fruit. That means no applesauce either. Go have sushi, just get the kind without rice (sashimi). I found fish to be one of the best protein options.


    Naturally, drink plenty of water or you will find yourself dehydrated and constipated. It also helps flush sodium from your body. Don’t force yourself, though. (If your pee is really orange and ammonia smelling, you need to drink more water.) Instead of dealing with bottled water and the plastic pollution it creates, I picked up a water dispenser (PUR DS-1800Z, around $30 on Amazon) and a Thermos stainless steel bottle (around $22). The dispenser fits nicely in the refrigerator and it converts my tap water into great-tasting water. I’ve gotten into the habit of carrying my thermos to the gym. As a bonus, it keeps the water cold, even in the sauna. It’s nice not having plastic bottles rolling around the floor of my Jeep.

    Again, coffee and tea are fine. Yerba Mate tea is good for you and I find it gives me a natural energy boost. Don’t drink milk (not even soy or almond), juice, or regular soda (one diet soda a day is OK). Unsweetened iced tea is great choice, but try to skip the lemon juice.

    For alcoholic beverages, don’t drink beer, not even light beer. Your best choice there is vodka with club soda and lime or rum and diet cola. You can have a glass or two of wine and not kill the diet. Try to drink an ice water with every alcoholic beverage you have. It helps.

    Nighttime Snack

    Be careful here, especially when you get closer to bedtime. You don’t want something lingering in your belly while your body enters sleep mode. Again, this is a good time for nuts or a protein bar, if you must. Another snack I keep around is jerky (beef or turkey). Sound crazy? Check out the package … lots of protein and very few carbs. That’s good stuff right there. Be careful with the sodium, though. Too much of that will bloat you.

    And, on the seventh day …

    Eat anything you want! Eat your breads, cookies, rice, desserts, potatoes, and fruit.

    The reason you’re doing this is two-fold: You probably have been craving some of it all week and you deserve a reward for your discipline; also, you don’t want your metabolism to slow down. Don’t be alarmed, because you’re probably going to gain back a couple pounds. It will be long gone two days hence. You want your descent on the weight chart to resemble steps, not a ramp . One day I packed on three pounds. No biggie. Three days later, they were gone.

    Concerns I had when beginning the diet (you may too):

1.  Won’t I feel sluggish by limiting my carbs? No. I didn’t feel sluggish at all.

2.  Isn’t fruit supposed to be good for me? It is, within reason. The problem is that it is very high in sugar, which makes it difficult to cut weight.

3.  What will happen after I hit my goal?Will I need to stay on the diet to maintain it and avoid yo-yoing right back to my beginning weight? Once I hit my weight, I gradually added some daily carbs in without going overboard. I still pig out once a week, but not as much as I did during the diet. My weight has stayed flat; I weighed 173.6 when I wrote this on April 29, 2011.

4.  Are there side effects? It’s a good idea to consult your physician and stop if you have any adverse reaction. I’ve had none other than looser fitting jeans—a wonderful side effect.

5.  Will this diet raise my cholesterol to dangerous levels? It shouldn’t, as long as you don’t go overboard by replacing carbohydrates with animal fats. If you’ve struggled with high cholesterol you should consult your doctor and measure your levels as you proceed to be sure you’re not endangering yourself.

    There you have it. Is it too good to be true? Try it and within one week, your progress will encourage you to

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