The Alibi
    moved across the fantasy of his sunny future.
    Unfortunately, the success of his moneymaking
    scheme depended on his partner, and he was beginning
    to doubt her trustworthiness. In fact, doubt was
    burning his gut as fiercely as the cheap whiskey he'd
    been drinking all evening. When it came right down
    to it, he didn't trust her any farther than he could
    throw her.
    He sat down on a stool at the end of the bar and ordered
    another drink. The maroon vinyl seat had once
    borne a leather grain imprint, but it had been worn almost
    slick from supporting decades of hard drinkers.
    Except for needing to keep a low profile, he wouldn't
    have patronized a low-class tavern like this. He had
    come a long way since hanging out in joints of
    this caliber. He had moved up from where he'd
    started. Way up. Upwardly mobile, that was Bobby Trimble.
    Bobby had cultivated a new image for himself,
    and he wasn't about to give it up. One couldn't help
    what he'd been born into, but if he didn't like it, if he
    knew instinctively that he was destined for bigger
    and better things, he could sure as hell shake one
    image and create another. That's what he had done.
    It was this acquired urbane appeal that had landed
    him the cushy job in Miami. The nightclub owner
    had needed a guy with Bobby's talents to act as host
    and emcee. He looked good and his line of bullshit
    drew the ladies in. He took to the job like a duck to
    water. Business increased significantly. Soon the
    Cock'n'Bull was one of the most happening
    nightspots in Miami, a city famous for happening
    The nightclub had been packed every night with
    women who knew how to have a good time. Bobby
    had cultivated and then nurtured its raunchy reputation
    to compete with the other ladies' entertainment
    The Cock'n'Bull made no apology for having a
    down-and-dirty floor show that appealed to women, not ladies, who weren't afraid to really let their hair
    down. On most nights, the dancers went all the way
    down to the skin. Bobby kept his tuxedo on, but he
    talked the talk that whipped the women into a sexual
    frenzy. His verbal come-ons were more effective than
    the thrusting pelvises of the dancers. They adored his
    dirty dialogue.
    Then one night a particularly enthusiastic fan
    climbed up on the stage with one of the dancers,
    dropped to her knees, and started doing the nasty
    thing on him. The crowd went wild. They loved it.
    But the vice squad working undercover didn't.
    They secretly called for backup, and before anyone
    realized what was happening, the place was
    lousy with cops. He had been able to sneak out the
    back door--but not before helping himself to all the
    cash in the office safe.
    Because of a fondness for the racetrack, and a recent
    streak of very bad luck, he had been in debt to a
    loan shark, who wouldn't have understood that the
    club's closing amounted to a temporary cessation of
    income, which would have been reversed soon.
    "Soon" wasn't in a loan shark's vocabulary.
    So, with the club owner, the cops, and the loan
    shark on his tail, he had fled the Sunshine State, with
    nearly ten thousand dollars lining the pockets of his
    tuxedo. He had his Mercedes convertible painted a
    different color and switched the license plates on it.
    For a time, he traveled leisurely up the coast, living well off stolen money.
    But it hadn't lasted forever. He'd had to go to
    work, plying the only trade he knew. Passing himself
    off as a guest of the luxury hotels, he hung out at the
    swimming pools, where he worked his charm on
    lonely women tourists. The money he stole from
    them he considered a fair exchange for the happiness
    he gave them in bed.
    Then, one night, while sipping champagne and
    sweet-talking a reluctant divorcee out of her room
    key, he spotted an acquaintance from Miami across
    the dining room. Excusing himself to go to the men's
    room, Bobby had returned to his hotel, hurriedly
    packed his belongings into the Mercedes,

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